Lefty 99
It helps if you realize I'm going for humor most of the time.
Sorta like Huff going for solid ABs....
It helps if you realize I'm going for humor most of the time.
Nice. Need to add that to the board vocabulary.
I think it's spelled "Caztrodumbass"
Reported as Spam and Ignored.
thanks for keeping your eyes open.
Aw, gotcha. Cam didn't ever give me the impression of being the shrinking violet type, I'm sure he'll be back full of piss and vinegar.
No, I was using the HF Alert for myself. I wasn't sure if I misread what you wrote. Also, just because gp is wicked smart (seriously, I have to wikipedia a lot of the cases he brings up, lol), doesn't mean he's infallible. If you gotta feeling, I'm glad you stick to it msg.
EDIT: There are a ton of smart folks on this board, sometimes they look good and sometimes they look bad.....and I use all of the knowledge you guys give me to sound smart to other folks outside of this forum and use them as my own thoughts without citing any of you aholes.![]()
Thanks for shooting it down and keeping this place awesome!
I am not the shrinking violet type. I promise. I have family in town and we have been out and about every day. They're leaving Saturday so I will be back Sunday. Fret not little campers. My bad attitude and desire for a true 30-HR guy are not going anywhere, even if I did incorrectly choose my words.
What happened?
And I am taking them to the Giants game tomorrow, as any good host should do when family from out of state visits the Bay Area.
I am not the shrinking violet type. I promise. I have family in town and we have been out and about every day. They're leaving Saturday so I will be back Sunday. Fret not little campers. My bad attitude and desire for a true 30-HR guy are not going anywhere, even if I did incorrectly choose my words.
I agree with everything, but the bolded. I love that the Dodgers are relevant. This is good for fans, players and most of California.
Plus, you keep bringing this up like it's something that absolutely no one expected. The exact scenario of the Dodgers opening by winning 2/3 of their games may be something that no one expected, but that is often the case with "beginning of the season guesses." Any prognosticators who didn't think the Dodgers had the personnel to at least compete for the Division, and maybe get a playoff spot was kidding themselves. They are still in that position... as are the Giants and Diamondbacks.
I'm not saying the Dodgers are going to completely flame out, but they could have certain players go back to career norms, and finish with 90 wins. That certainly would've sounded high in spring training, but I wouldn't have dismissed that prediction like it was a Cazstradomous Rant. This is gonna be a really fun season.
I never got the impression that you left.
For the record, I agree that the Giants do need a cornerstone power threat to revolve guys like Melky, Panda, and Posey around. While these 3 do have power to reach the seats, there isn't a consistent power threat in the lineup (I know, capt. obvious)
The true debate lies in the means to acquire this magical bat.
This mimics my stance as well. Call me a doubting Thomas, but it's not that its just the dodgers, it's that it needs to be proven over the course of a season for me to buy in.
I had the same feeling about the 2010 Padres.
I've seen too many teams start out hot and disappear in the dog days of a season to call anything a certainty, especially before the all-star break.
What happened?
I hear you but by the time you started thinking the 2010 Padres were for real, was it already September?
After April sure who knows. Even May. But it's mid June now, and they are winning even without their MVP. They aren't going to completely collapse (hope I'm wrong!) this year. They will cool from their 103 win pace, but I doubt we see a collapse like the Red Sox last year.