Lefty 99
wtf is Horse doing???
wtf is Horse doing???
We all do. Big talker who comes up short when it counts. Signs his baseballs "I hate the Giants", and then chokes in THE game in 2010 (#162) and now THE game in 2012 (today's #5 of NLDS).
Of course, I hate Dusty Baker with a passion as well. (As do many other Giants fans and Cubs fans.) He's brought so many fans right up to the edge of orgasmic baseball happiness, and then stomped on their hearts. Many Times. Fuck that toothpick chewing bastard.
Matt Cain pisses me off.
Bruce, Ludwick, and Votto all with ownage on Horse.
Pick and Fish with some ownage on OneT...
Fuck that SF hating fuck...6-1 good guys and MVP goes YARD.
Just sayin....
Leaving it up in the zone.
Leaving it up in the zone.
You know what? Fuck em, we'll get 2 back in the 6th.
STILL leaving it up in the zone. Cain got lucky on that flyout by Cozart - he could have crushed it.
Everyone pisses you off