Series MVP...
Pence for "The Talk" ?
Series MVP...
OH NO YOU DIDN"T just do that, did you???
Pence is stepping up as a HUGE leader on this team.
Good. We need a "lively" leader in that clubhouse.
Good luck, guys
Good luck, guys
Did I see Buster blow off Timmeh's fist pump after the game - certainly seemed like he 'looked' the other way!!!!
The team clearly loves Pence - big big factor in this series me thinks
Had Romo ever thrown 35 pitches in a relief appearance before today? That was a looooooong, painful final inning.
I won't be able to watch the game. Bring it home gents. For the fucking win!
Thanks. This must be painful you. But your team fought like hell, and didn't give up an inch this series. You guys will be a force next year with Votto returning to health. You have been a class act. Welcome here any time.
If the Giants had lost, I was going to be a Reds fan through the WS.
Before you guys get too happy, just remember that we are not built for October success. LOL!
I would have rooted for the Reds as well. I guess I've suffered through enough heart-breaking losses to not feel bad for the fans of the losing team.
That said, this is damn sweet!
I feared that the Reds were bound to break through because of that. Was anyone warming up?