Brienna of Tarth is dead. The knighting was her last hurrah...
The show has gotten so hokie they might as well have her play housewife queen to King Aegon and live happily everafter.Do you see Dany betraying Jon in the future? She has some tyrant tendencies, I don't see her accepting Jon's existence.
If the knight king takes winterfell and turns everyone into his army of dead do you still watch episode 4?
The only characters at Winterfell guaranteed to live past next episode are:
Jon Snow - " " " "
Daenarys Targaryen - both having unresolved issues after finding out who Jon really is
Sandor Clegane - who has to fight The Mountain in a future episode
Arya Stark - who everything to this point has her killing some big name, either Cersei or the Night King
Obviously more characters will live, and Episode 2 was much about saying goodbye to those that die.
*Please note these weren't actual spoilers, just my opinion.
That could well be. But next episode is obviously another grand battle. I'm going to guess they leave all the palace intrigue about who is Hand, who is the elder Targaryen, etc., until they live to Episode 4. GoT isn't going to reveal Jon's true origin to Dany in the closing moments of this episode, not resolve it and then sound the horn for battle, killing either of them.I don't know about Dany, if Jon is the Prince that was promised, he might have to sacrifice Dany in order to wield lightbringer and defeat the NK. Or maybe Dany will sacrifice herself in some way accepting Jon as the true heir. Who knows though, maybe that doesn't matter at all. All I know is they still really have no idea how to kill the NK unless we are assuming that he is vulnerable to the same things as other WWs.
Also, I can see Dany going simply because no one is expecting it.. just like Ned. It would definitely catch a lot of people off guard and take the show back to its no one is to big to die origins which as someone pointed out, they have gone away from.
That's because despite the actress being in her low 20s, she's impishly small and has 'little girl body'. Creepy.Stuff I loved.
Arya's sex scene was weird. It felt wrong.
It might be convenient for the plot and shock value to kill her off rather than waste episodes trying to uncomplicate the whole mess of this annoying wannabe tyrant Dany they created in season 7 continuing through this season.
Favorite still alive would probably be Jamie.
Favorite overall was Oberyn even though he only lasted one season.