^^ Privileged ^^
The D survived one of the better offenses in the B1G.
This Stafford thing goes as far as the media wants it to go.
This Stafford thing goes as far as the media wants it to go.
play-to-play baby
I am not convinced he was directing the f bomb AT Bo. It could have been something as simple as explaining what was going on on the field with a colorful vocabulary. Heated moments happen all the time on the sidelines. No big deal really.
its pretty clearly directed at Bo IMO
I dunno. I can't see enough of the event to make that call.
Bo stated after the game that he called the defensive plays badly a couple times in the game that put the players in bad positions because of Penn States' up tempo offense caught him in basically slow play calling mode and Bo said he wished he could,"Take that back." I won't defend Stafford, but the defense was not lined up quickly enough and that might have caused the frustration shown today. If so, that falls squarely on Bo...
Yah but I agree with Tom. If Bo is yelling at him because he didn't get lined up in time and it's because the play call didn't get in in time then I can see Stafford, especially when pumped up coming right back at him and telling him to decide what the fuck he's gonna do and let them line up if he wants him to line up in time.
This has caused problems all season long.
Stafford was still playing after the argument and if you read Pelini's body language after Stafford was talking back to him, Pelini wasn't alarmed. Nothing to see here, don't make it out to be something its not.
Stafford was still playing after the argument and if you read Pelini's body language after Stafford was talking back to him, Pelini wasn't alarmed. Nothing to see here, don't make it out to be something its not.