I'm So High Right Now
If this keeps up, I'm going to start rooting for the Canes. 

Wonder if Gangefire will post or just lurk?
This team can't hold a lead at home to save their life. They should change the name from the F'N Center to the Finland Center.
Boom. Just for you, buddy.
Ha ha nice to see you come out of the wood work..
IPW, youre still playing the Flyers. A Sabre will probably dance around oru D or just fire a straight, undeflected shot and it goes in. Then Bryz will observe the ceiling.
WTF was that Leino? Oh well guess you'll get a agame or 2 for that/
WTF was that Leino? Oh well guess you'll get a agame or 2 for that/
I'll be cool if they make it more than that.
I'm sure he will.