Scotchy Scotch Scotch!
matt, call me crazy, but I think you're a scotch drinker...
lol.... It has become a really nice collection for me. Im starting to get into some pretty nice scotch that last while. hard to find values. though I have a guy who gets me some nice prices but hard to get at times.
I also quite enjoyed that Gold 18 year old as well dash.
there is but one rule in my house when sharing in my scotch. if you take a glass and shoot it down like Jack Daniels I will calmly take your glass away, thank you for your sharing and never give you a scotch from that set again.
My best friend and my brother are both on the blacklist. my brother for taking
100 year cask royal salute and poured his fucking coca-cola in it. I just about spit up and then split his head open.