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Series Thread: First Round: Toronto Maple Leafs vs. Washington Capitals


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Apr 20, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 33,861.66
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didn't read the thread, but I would hope this dude would be someone's avatar by morning



Grumpy Old Man
Jul 10, 2014
The hockey wasteland
Hoopla Cash
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That looked bad

At first, I thought it was the knee. Joe Theisman-type on MNF type twist. Ugly.

Then I saw the ankle.

Human beings (those of us not in Ladies, err, girls gymnastics) do not have body parts that bend like that.

Bloody Brian Burke

#1 CFL Fan!
Jun 28, 2014
West Toronto, BC
Hoopla Cash
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Bloody Brian Burke

#1 CFL Fan!
Jun 28, 2014
West Toronto, BC
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,152.09
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I’ve heard at least 4 times in different media yesterday and today, quoting both “insiders” as well as “rival eastern scout/exec/trainer/pizza maker” that Washington is going to get their best start today, come out flying, play their best game, tear through the Leafs’ battered defence, etc.

Can someone explain to me why the Caps’ roster, whose best players are aging veterans and some of the biggest playoff underperformers in the NHL (hi Backstrom) and now facing first change and two long changes for two games in three days after playing 2 OT’s against some of the quickest youngsters in the game, are now such a sure as shit thing to come out guns-ablazing in a barn that goes apeshit for playoff games and is roaring to go?

I’m not saying they won’t but this seems to be the narrative going in no matter where you look and I’m just wondering if there’s anything behind it other than guys like Pierre McGuire saying so?


Militant Pacifist
Apr 21, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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I’ve heard at least 4 times in different media yesterday and today, quoting both “insiders” as well as “rival eastern scout/exec/trainer/pizza maker” that Washington is going to get their best start today, come out flying, play their best game, tear through the Leafs’ battered defence, etc.

Can someone explain to me why the Caps’ roster, whose best players are aging veterans and some of the biggest playoff underperformers in the NHL (hi Backstrom) and now facing first change and two long changes for two games in three days after playing 2 OT’s against some of the quickest youngsters in the game, are now such a sure as shit thing to come out guns-ablazing in a barn that goes apeshit for playoff games and is roaring to go?

I’m not saying they won’t but this seems to be the narrative going in no matter where you look and I’m just wondering if there’s anything behind it other than guys like Pierre McGuire saying so?

As a Pens fan, who has seen the Caps lose more series than some franchises have played, I'd caution against underestimating them. They were the best team the Pens faced last year, and it was the closest series, even if it didn't go 7. They can overwhelm you, in which case you better hope Andersen has the game of his life. You'll know it when you see it.

Bloody Brian Burke

#1 CFL Fan!
Jun 28, 2014
West Toronto, BC
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,152.09
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As a Pens fan, who has seen the Caps lose more series than some franchises have played, I'd caution against underestimating them. They were the best team the Pens faced last year, and it was the closest series, even if it didn't go 7. They can overwhelm you, in which case you better hope Andersen has the game of his life. You'll know it when you see it.
I'm not underestimating them and I hope/doubt the Leafs are, either.

It's just weird that the prevailing narrative yesterday was they were going to go from home comfort and advantage into a hostile environment and road rules and, well...



A useful idiot.
Apr 19, 2010
Planet Mercury
Hoopla Cash
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I’ve heard at least 4 times in different media yesterday and today, quoting both “insiders” as well as “rival eastern scout/exec/trainer/pizza maker” that Washington is going to get their best start today, come out flying, play their best game, tear through the Leafs’ battered defence, etc.

Can someone explain to me why the Caps’ roster, whose best players are aging veterans and some of the biggest playoff underperformers in the NHL (hi Backstrom) and now facing first change and two long changes for two games in three days after playing 2 OT’s against some of the quickest youngsters in the game, are now such a sure as shit thing to come out guns-ablazing in a barn that goes apeshit for playoff games and is roaring to go?

I’m not saying they won’t but this seems to be the narrative going in no matter where you look and I’m just wondering if there’s anything behind it other than guys like Pierre McGuire saying so?

As a player, I don't think you know how any night is going to go for you, so yeah, I don't know how any GM or media person would know how an entire team is going to respond. And even when you play better, that doesn't always show. I thought game 1 was more even between the two teams and the Caps won. I thought in game 2 the Caps were the much stronger team and the Leafs won. The answer is that nobody really knows.

Bloody Brian Burke

#1 CFL Fan!
Jun 28, 2014
West Toronto, BC
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,152.09
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As a player, I don't think you know how any night is going to go for you, so yeah, I don't know how any GM or media person would know how an entire team is going to respond.
I honestly just want to hear their reasoning. I know it'll be something along the lines of grit and leadership and whatever other intangibles you wanna throw in there but it would be fun to hear just to hear them spin some bullshit when the simple answer is “the Caps are statistically a much better hockey team than the Maple Leafs and that should eventually win out”.