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Jul 17, 2013
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We should hear in a day or two whether or not the NFL hands out any fines for Sherman's and Baldwin's satire they did last week. Personally, I'm kind of glad they did it. Someone needs to point out the hypocrisy that is the NFL. What do the rest of you Seahawk fans think? Heck, I'd listen to our regular non-Seahawk fans that come to visit.

Sorry, it's been a slow Monday.


Livin' la vida loca
Apr 21, 2013
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We should hear in a day or two whether or not the NFL hands out any fines for Sherman's and Baldwin's satire they did last week. Personally, I'm kind of glad they did it. Someone needs to point out the hypocrisy that is the NFL. What do the rest of you Seahawk fans think? Heck, I'd listen to our regular non-Seahawk fans that come to visit.

Sorry, it's been a slow Monday.

I didn't know that fining them was even on the table. I hadn't heard that or seen it anywhere. I really doubt the NFL will fine them though since it was pretty much unanimously viewed as funny by the press and fans. The NFL would look like serious poor sports if they fined them and it would epitomize the label of the No Fun League too. I think they'll let sleeping dogs lie in this case.


Jul 30, 2010
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I thought it was funny and a great example of team unity. The fine on lynch was uncalled for. He's an athlete he gets paid to play football you shouldn't force someone to talk. If anyone deserves to be fined it is the rams for their display before the raiders game. Using the game as a political outlet and encouraging an already volatile situation is a far greater abuse of media then wanting your privacy or sticking up for a team mates privacy. Good ell needs to get his priorities straight


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Jul 17, 2013
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I didn't know that fining them was even on the table. I hadn't heard that or seen it anywhere. I really doubt the NFL will fine them though since it was pretty much unanimously viewed as funny by the press and fans. The NFL would look like serious poor sports if they fined them and it would epitomize the label of the No Fun League too. I think they'll let sleeping dogs lie in this case.

Yeah, I hope you are correct. However, the N.F.L. hasn't really been exercising common sense that much this season.


Aug 12, 2012
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I didn't know that fining them was even on the table. I hadn't heard that or seen it anywhere. I really doubt the NFL will fine them though since it was pretty much unanimously viewed as funny by the press and fans. The NFL would look like serious poor sports if they fined them and it would epitomize the label of the No Fun League too. I think they'll let sleeping dogs lie in this case.

Maybe it's just bc of my hate for Richard Sherman (ok it's def bc of my hate for him) but I really didn't find it that funny. I thought it seemed like they were just complaining about the rules of the company that makes them millionaires. They get to play a game for a living and get paid an enormous amount of money to do so. Only thing they have to do besides playing is talk to reporters and not endorse products the company doesn't want you to. Seems pretty simple to me. If you really hate it so much than don't play in the NFL. Nobody is making them, but since they want the money the NFL pays they will continue to play for them. I just have little sympathy for someone that knows the rules beforehand of their contract with the nfl, but complains when they violate them and get punished.


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Jul 3, 2013
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Maybe it's just bc of my hate for Richard Sherman (ok it's def bc of my hate for him) but I really didn't find it that funny. I thought it seemed like they were just complaining about the rules of the company that makes them millionaires. They get to play a game for a living and get paid an enormous amount of money to do so. Only thing they have to do besides playing is talk to reporters and not endorse products the company doesn't want you to. Seems pretty simple to me. If you really hate it so much than don't play in the NFL. Nobody is making them, but since they want the money the NFL pays they will continue to play for them. I just have little sympathy for someone that knows the rules beforehand of their contract with the nfl, but complains when they violate them and get punished.

What about the Thursday night football though, and the talk of more regular season games, all while preaching player safety..... NFL is being ridiculous there .... 3 days rest is not enough days inbetween football games for sure ...


Aug 12, 2012
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What about the Thursday night football though, and the talk of more regular season games, all while preaching player safety..... NFL is being ridiculous there .... 3 days rest is not enough days inbetween football games for sure ...

I was initially all for Thursday night football. Then I started noticing the dramatic slide in teams play on Thursday night. Now I'm actually more inclined to agree that players need more rest throughout the season so they should do away with Thursday games (thanksgiving games excluded, they need to remain as tradition). I don't see the nfl giving those games up bc no matter how bad they are I'm still usually watching and most other fans are too. Same with the inevitable 18 game season. Does the nfl care about player safety? Absolutely not they only care about money and trying to protect themselves from lawsuits, but that isn't exactly breaking news. Its what most businesses strive for.


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I loved what Sherm and ADB did. They obviously were not worried about getting fined for this(which I would of bet my left nut that they would of). All the talk about the team being divided was total BS. They come to back Marshawn and that's exactly what I wanted to see from his teammates. Low and behold... We are playing great ball since then!

Media has been trying to make a lot out of nothing, and this was their way of telling them to F off!

C'mon peeps...Lynch called the NFL network reporters and still got fined 100 grand. That's fricking lame! Props to his teammates for standing up against God-dell!!!


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May 22, 2013
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I'm sure they'll be fined. I'm fine with that and I'm sure they are too. I'm still glad they said what they said though


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Apr 22, 2013
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I was initially all for Thursday night football. Then I started noticing the dramatic slide in teams play on Thursday night. Now I'm actually more inclined to agree that players need more rest throughout the season so they should do away with Thursday games (thanksgiving games excluded, they need to remain as tradition). I don't see the nfl giving those games up bc no matter how bad they are I'm still usually watching and most other fans are too. Same with the inevitable 18 game season. Does the nfl care about player safety? Absolutely not they only care about money and trying to protect themselves from lawsuits, but that isn't exactly breaking news. Its what most businesses strive for.

I could agree with this if they give the teams on Thursday night football a bye the week before.


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Jul 3, 2013
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I could agree with this if they give the teams on Thursday night football a bye the week before.

That is a dam good idea ... I like the football games on Thanksgiving as well, but don't like Thursday night football throughout the year .... Having every team that plays on Thanksgiving get there bye the week before would definitely help all teams involved ... I hope they do that ....


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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Maybe it's just bc of my hate for Richard Sherman (ok it's def bc of my hate for him) but I really didn't find it that funny. I thought it seemed like they were just complaining about the rules of the company that makes them millionaires. They get to play a game for a living and get paid an enormous amount of money to do so. Only thing they have to do besides playing is talk to reporters and not endorse products the company doesn't want you to. Seems pretty simple to me. If you really hate it so much than don't play in the NFL. Nobody is making them, but since they want the money the NFL pays they will continue to play for them. I just have little sympathy for someone that knows the rules beforehand of their contract with the nfl, but complains when they violate them and get punished.

So anytime you have a job where you know the basics of what is required before you take it, you are obligated to accept it fully and never question it or point out problems with it? Welcome to Soviet Russia comrades.

I'm not aware of too many working people that don't have gripes with their jobs, management structure, etc. I don't see how this is any different. All Sherman did was point out some hypocrisy in response to how the league handled Lynch.

Now the league is talking about more fines because Lynch is giving one word answers and their take is he isn't really complying. Can we question that? Is that allowed according to you? Or is any interpretation of the league over their rules automatically right and above any question?

I'm not pissed at the NFL for how they are handling Lynch and I'm not bothered in any way by players speaking out against injustice. My only beef is with the national writers that keep turning Lynch in and pushing for the league to punish him. Fuck those assholes. You have hundreds of other players to get stories from. Get over Lynch already.


Livin' la vida loca
Apr 21, 2013
Alberta, Canada
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So anytime you have a job where you know the basics of what is required before you take it, you are obligated to accept it fully and never question it or point out problems with it? Welcome to Soviet Russia comrades.

I'm not aware of too many working people that don't have gripes with their jobs, management structure, etc. I don't see how this is any different. All Sherman did was point out some hypocrisy in response to how the league handled Lynch.

Now the league is talking about more fines because Lynch is giving one word answers and their take is he isn't really complying. Can we question that? Is that allowed according to you? Or is any interpretation of the league over their rules automatically right and above any question?

I'm not pissed at the NFL for how they are handling Lynch and I'm not bothered in any way by players speaking out against injustice. My only beef is with the national writers that keep turning Lynch in and pushing for the league to punish him. Fuck those assholes. You have hundreds of other players to get stories from. Get over Lynch already.

Well clearly that is what he is doing in a not so subtle "fuck you" to the league. But, as much as the league would dearly love to hammer him for his antics they'd then have to explain why they've allowed Bellichek to do the same thing for his entire career. If they go after Marshawn they have to go after everybody who gives "yes" or "no" answers.


Aug 12, 2012
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So anytime you have a job where you know the basics of what is required before you take it, you are obligated to accept it fully and never question it or point out problems with it? Welcome to Soviet Russia comrades.

I'm not aware of too many working people that don't have gripes with their jobs, management structure, etc. I don't see how this is any different. All Sherman did was point out some hypocrisy in response to how the league handled Lynch.

Now the league is talking about more fines because Lynch is giving one word answers and their take is he isn't really complying. Can we question that? Is that allowed according to you? Or is any interpretation of the league over their rules automatically right and above any question?

I'm not pissed at the NFL for how they are handling Lynch and I'm not bothered in any way by players speaking out against injustice. My only beef is with the national writers that keep turning Lynch in and pushing for the league to punish him. Fuck those assholes. You have hundreds of other players to get stories from. Get over Lynch already.

I'm guessing someone didn't pass social studies in high school so let me help explain to you how communism works. You see in a communist government you don't get to choose what you do for work or when you can stop working. Now stay with me on this, but the NFL players don't have to play football. They can stop anytime they want. They also can say whatever they want, it just comes with consequences per their contract.

As for you assertion that everyone gripes about their job I agree with you 100%. The difference comes into play when your contract tells you specifically you can't gripe about your company (the NFL). If you were an executive for Pepsi and went on TV bad mouthing Pepsi how long do you think you would have your job? NFL players are told they need to talk to the media, and they can't talk bad about the NFL, refs, anything they feel might hurt their product. In exchange they are paid millions of dollars for playing a game for a living. Not a bad deal if you ask me, but if they don't like it they can leave at anytime, bring it up with their union, or say it anyways and deal with the consequences.

As far as the media and Lynch goes, i agree they are scumbags looking for a story. So you know how you don't give them a story, don't drawl attention to yourself. If you answer all questions with silly answers such as "no" to every question then you have created that attention yourself. Like the kid that dresses weird in high school and then complains everyone is looking at him. Belicheck gets away with his answer bc he still answers the question, just in the shortest most concise answer possible. He gives them nothing to talk about, excluding when they are taping other teams, which is the best way to get back at the media. Answering nonsensical answers or not answering violates your contract so you will be fined, and ultimately it will drawl more attention.
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Apr 21, 2013
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Lynch has an interview on NFL Network on Sunday. I've heard that the interviewer is Michael Robinson. It should be good.

I don't think that Sherman and Baldwin are going to get fined for their skit. I think we would have heard something by now if it was going to happen.