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Eager's hit on Sedin


Donkey Bonker
Nov 22, 2010
The Burbs
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
the more I watch that hit the more I realize its not as bad as.its being made out to.be


Is that...cabbage?
Nov 19, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
the more I watch that hit the more I realize its not as bad as.its being made out to.be

The actual contact made I think appeared worse than it actually was but the play in general is about the highest level of dumb you can get.


Winning. Duh!
Nov 23, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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The actual contact made I think appeared worse than it actually was but the play in general is about the highest level of dumb you can get.



Throws stuff out windows
Apr 21, 2010
Spokane, WA
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Dumb all around IMO. Eager's part is self explanatory, but I've never understood why players turn their backs into a hit so they go face first into the boards. Doesn't make any sense to me. I know Sedin was making a play on the puck, but why didn't he keep spinning so Eager hit him in the side rather than the back? I don't get it.

2 min penalty was deserved, suspension was not, AV was talking out of his ass with his comments. I might be in the minority, but I kind of think Eager is gonna have a positive impact in game 3. I hope so anyway.


Donkey Bonker
Nov 22, 2010
The Burbs
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Dumb all around IMO. Eager's part is self explanatory, but I've never understood why players turn their backs into a hit so they go face first into the boards. Doesn't make any sense to me. I know Sedin was making a play on the puck, but why didn't he keep spinning so Eager hit him in the side rather than the back? I don't get it.

2 min penalty was deserved, suspension was not, AV was talking out of his ass with his comments. I might be in the minority, but I kind of think Eager is gonna have a positive impact in game 3. I hope so anyway.

they turn,thier backs so they can avoid getting hit, they need to modify the rule so it can't be used in that way


Throws stuff out windows
Apr 21, 2010
Spokane, WA
Hoopla Cash
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they turn,thier backs so they can avoid getting hit, they need to modify the rule so it can't be used in that way

It doesn't stop anyone though. Sedin said he saw Eager coming at him. How's someone supposed to stop when they're already committed to the hit? Seems counter-intuitive too. If I saw someone charging at me I'd try to brace myself rather than turning my back to them.


Winning. Duh!
Nov 23, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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Depends whether you want to draw a penalty or not, IMO...


Donkey Bonker
Nov 22, 2010
The Burbs
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
It doesn't stop anyone though. Sedin said he saw Eager coming at him. How's someone supposed to stop when they're already committed to the hit? Seems counter-intuitive too. If I saw someone charging at me I'd try to brace myself rather than turning my back to them.

why take a hit when you can just turn your back on the play and avoid contact or draw the penalty, use the rule to your advantage


Throws stuff out windows
Apr 21, 2010
Spokane, WA
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why take a hit when you can just turn your back on the play and avoid contact or draw the penalty, use the rule to your advantage

Because I'd rather not get face planted into the boards.


Active Member
Dec 8, 2010
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The actual contact made I think appeared worse than it actually was but the play in general is about the highest level of dumb you can get.

Not by a long shot... It was a check, big whoop. And like I stated earlier he didnt even sprint into it. Speed skating into someone, then you have an arguement. A slight studder step them gliding from the "c" in cup to the boards, nah...

Also, highest level of dumb? How fast people forget Marty McNuggets tomahawk chop... Thats highest level of dumb, not even remotely close to Eager body checking a guy that turned like a dumbass...


Is that...cabbage?
Nov 19, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Not by a long shot... It was a check, big whoop. And like I stated earlier he didnt even sprint into it. Speed skating into someone, then you have an arguement. A slight studder step them gliding from the "c" in cup to the boards, nah...

Also, highest level of dumb? How fast people forget Marty McNuggets tomahawk chop... Thats highest level of dumb, not even remotely close to Eager body checking a guy that turned like a dumbass...

Sedin has his back to Eager for a long time. You make it sound like he turned at the last second but there was about a 12-15 foot gap Eager covered while Sedin was facing the boards. On top of that Eager took two half strides to pick up speed within that distance.


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Dec 8, 2010
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Sedin has his back to Eager for a long time. You make it sound like he turned at the last second but there was about a 12-15 foot gap Eager covered while Sedin was facing the boards. On top of that Eager took two half strides to pick up speed within that distance.

We've gone over this, and what you call "Strides" is hardly what Id call it...


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Dec 8, 2010
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And I swear your on crack sometimes Cmon, 12-15ft gap?? Dude look at the video, its as 0:04, shit man pause it and look, sedin is ALMOST completely backwards and there isnt even 4ft between the 2 guys... I dont know what kinda of units of measurement your using...


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Dec 8, 2010
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And your "2 half strides" take place at the "Y" in the word stanley... You "highest level of dumb" makes it sound like he bullcharged him and took these "strides" running at him... There have been farrrrrrrrrrrrrrr worse runs at guys, this probably wouldnt even crack the top 200.


Is that...cabbage?
Nov 19, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
And I swear your on crack sometimes Cmon, 12-15ft gap?? Dude look at the video, its as 0:04, shit man pause it and look, sedin is ALMOST completely backwards and there isnt even 4ft between the 2 guys... I dont know what kinda of units of measurement your using...

At the 0:03 mark of the video Sedin turns his back. Eager at that time is well more than two body lengths away from him, so an estimated 12-15 feet easily. Sedin never turns to face towards Eager after that point.

At the 0:04 mark of the video Eager takes two half strides that increase his speed. I don't give a crap what you want to call them but his speed going into the boards increased.

Contact is made at the 0:05 mark. Two seconds is more than enough time to take steps to lessen the impact on a completely vulnerable player. Instead Eager dropped his shoulder increasing the impact.

Also, highest level of dumb? How fast people forget Marty McNuggets tomahawk chop... Thats highest level of dumb, not even remotely close to Eager body checking a guy that turned like a dumbass...

Different kind of dumb. Not brainless thuggery type dumb but situational awareness type dumb. The team is down 0-1 in the series, down by a goal in the game, Marleau fights (albeit poorly) giving the team a chance to regain some momentum, and Eager goes out on one of the very next shifts and attempts a hit that never had a chance of going uncalled.

Reply with whatever you wish Likewall but this is my last post on the subject.


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Dec 8, 2010
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Orginal post by you:
Sedin has his back to Eager for a long time. You make it sound like he turned at the last second but there was about a 12-15 foot gap Eager covered while Sedin was facing the boards. On top of that Eager took two half strides to pick up speed within that distance.
2nd Post by you:
At the 0:03 mark of the video Sedin turns his back. Eager at that time is well more than two body lengths away from him, so an estimated 12-15 feet easily. Sedin never turns to face towards Eager after that point.

At the 0:04 mark of the video Eager takes two half strides that increase his speed. I don't give a crap what you want to call them but his speed going into the boards increased.

Contact is made at the 0:05 mark. Two seconds is more than enough time to take steps to lessen the impact on a completely vulnerable player. Instead Eager dropped his shoulder increasing the impact<<

At :03 the check is still legal, Sedin is sideways, shoulder shoulder, you dont measure that in you 12-15ft gap you stated, as you orginally stated ""Sedin has his back to Eager for a long time. You make it sound like he turned at the last second but there was about a 12-15 foot gap Eager covered while Sedin was facing the boards.""
He wasnt facing the boards in that 15ft gap, he wasnt even completely back to him at a 4ft gap. You completely contridicted your original post. And as we CLEARLY see it was LAST second that the turn was completed before the contact was made. :03 of video - sideways, legal hit, :04 of video, back turned contact made. ONE second different. 95% of players arent going to let up off that check in a 1 second span. Cmon like ive stated before, its ok for you to be wrong now and then, no ones perfect.


Active Member
Dec 8, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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Different kind of dumb. Not brainless thuggery type dumb but situational awareness type dumb. The team is down 0-1 in the series, down by a goal in the game, Marleau fights (albeit poorly) giving the team a chance to regain some momentum, and Eager goes out on one of the very next shifts and attempts a hit that never had a chance of going uncalled.

Reply with whatever you wish Likewall but this is my last post on the subject.

LMAO, that Marleau fight was downright embarassing, id probably hang my head in shame if I was on the bench and just witnessed that haha now watching Eager smash someone would pump me up with a nice FUCK YEA BEN!! LETS GET THESE MOTHER FUCKERS!!


Donkey Bonker
Nov 22, 2010
The Burbs
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
its funny watching the sharks/nucks highlight package for the series, it shows nothing but the canucks layers crosschecking sharks players from behind and into the boards lol