I would be shocked if there was any sort of out of the norm & ordinary incidents. Outside of the 1 huge issue we all know about, it is an otherwise very save venue.
When we the last time you went to a game at Dodger Stadium?
I would be shocked if there was any sort of out of the norm & ordinary incidents. Outside of the 1 huge issue we all know about, it is an otherwise very save venue.
When we the last time you went to a game at Dodger Stadium?
Too many years to count, so, yes, I am not the best arbitrater on the subject.
I would not recommend that anyone sit above field level who thinks Dodger is a "very safe venue." My experience has been that if you generally mind your own business and don't instigate anything, you'll be totally fine. Wear opposing teams' apparel and be an asshole to a group of cholos and you're going to face the music. The parking lot down by the right field entrance usually has about 50 police cars parked together and there are probably that many plain-clothes cops seated throughout the crowd. I'm sure statistically it is "very safe" but a Giants fan acting like a Giants fan can find himself in deep shit pretty quick if he bumps into the wrong hombres.
I would be shocked if there was any sort of out of the norm & ordinary incidents. Outside of the 1 huge issue we all know about, it is an otherwise very save venue.
this is what i think of when i read your posts
lol freakin eeyore
One of my many, long running nicknames, courtesy of several former CBS folks. There is also Debbie Downer, and Larry Literal.
Well, my experience has been that, when me and my Giant fan buddies went to Chavez, the Gaints fans were fine. However, when I myself go to A T & T, it usually involves unprovoked insults at best, and having beer & batteries thrown my way at worst.
this thread is getting its ass kicked
the fuck? hammer, go recruit more people
Hammer is busy watching dog the bounty hunter