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D.Wilson on KNBR


Dr. Pepper is the bomb
Nov 24, 2010
Bay Area
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If anybody cares to listen, he is on with the Razor.

Doug said he is pissed, and that changes will be made. He also was very proud of his players and feels like we should be playing a Game #6.

This could be a very easy off-season for Doug

Sign: Setoguchi, White, Eager, maybe Welwood

Offer a big contract to Weber, and hope for a cheap UFA 4th line center with size and speed, and a Cheap UFA depth Dmen.

Yeah right......huh?


Dr. Pepper is the bomb
Nov 24, 2010
Bay Area
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Oct 27, 2010
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yeah, I genuinely believe that he is pissed off. He really really wants a cup. Hoenstly, I'm not sure thats the case for all GM's. Of course everyone wants to win, but some are just trying to make the PO's and others just run the team, but it doesnt seem to consume them. For DW, it is everything to him...

However, I dont love his illusion that if they were better in october and november that they would have won the cup. That's fucking stupid. They didnt get hurt becasue they needed to work hard at the end of the year. Slashes happen whether you have 150 points or 5 points. The problem was the D, and if dougie doesnt see that, if he thinks its just a matter of being more consistent from the start, then we really got a problem.


Absentem laedit cum ebrio
Dec 1, 2010
North of SoCal
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If DWil was so pissed & disappointed, I wonder if it could be the end of Tadd. DWil isn't going to admit that any of his moves or lack of moves was the reason for the shortfall. Therefore, his only scapegoat is the coach. What a soap opera that would be...:spy:


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Oct 27, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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If DWil was so pissed & disappointed, I wonder if it could be the end of Tadd. DWil isn't going to admit that any of his moves or lack of moves was the reason for the shortfall. Therefore, his only scapegoat is the coach. What a soap opera that would be...:spy:

no, I dont see this happening at all. I think he was mad, but that he's also extremely loyal and patient. He generally tinkers more than overhauls. he adds and subtracts a guy here and there, but he isnt going to fire todd or overhaul the team. To be honest, he doesnt need to.

that said, I'd love him to own up to his failing regarding the D, but he wont. he may not even see it as a problem. Obviously he got white cuz he knew the D before was inadequate but he may see resigning white as sufficient. If so, then I will be really mad...


Is that...cabbage?
Nov 19, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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If DWil was so pissed & disappointed, I wonder if it could be the end of Tadd. DWil isn't going to admit that any of his moves or lack of moves was the reason for the shortfall. Therefore, his only scapegoat is the coach. What a soap opera that would be...:spy:

McLellan, no. Yawney and/or Shaw, maybe.


Sharks Hockey... meh...
Dec 3, 2010
peoples republic of the bay area
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....and if dougie doesnt see that, if he thinks its just a matter of being more consistent from the start, then we really got a problem.

Well - that's the million dollar question now isnt it? I don't think any of us felt particularly good about our D last year taking us deep and look at how we addressed that early in the year? After that blew up like a high-pressure sewage pipe he was forced to to do something and we lucked out with White. A solid addition but he doesn't have a cape.

Doug is tasked with the same problem again, and this time the Wings are going to be shopping in our aisle... I tend to believe that his problem may be a bit of myopia but I also dont get why its been difficult to attract talent here.


Winning. Duh!
Nov 23, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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Doug is tasked with the same problem again, and this time the Wings are going to be shopping in our aisle... I tend to believe that his problem may be a bit of myopia but I also dont get why its been difficult to attract talent here.

Yeah, fantastic point you just brought up, really...

With Rafalski (and possibly Lidstrom too) gone, Detroit needs to replace two defensemen... and there aren't that many solid ones out there to begin with.

Given the (U)FA choice between Detroit and San Jose, I don't think any of us should have any problems answering where they'd all choose to go.

My point being -- it's going to be slim pickings out there.


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Oct 27, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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Yeah, fantastic point you just brought up, really...

With Rafalski (and possibly Lidstrom too) gone, Detroit needs to replace two defensemen... and there aren't that many solid ones out there to begin with.

Given the (U)FA choice between Detroit and San Jose, I don't think any of us should have any problems answering where they'd all choose to go.

My point being -- it's going to be slim pickings out there.

exactly! That's why patience is more important now than ever. As long as white comes back, there is no reason for panic. The UFA market is slim so prices will be really high. Someone is likely to make a mistake this summer that costs them for a long time (ahem... NYR... Ahem... Redden...). Dougie can afford to wait it out, make lots of offers, and if nothing comes this summer, then we will all get to see what braun brings to the table. Then midyear, the right deal, for the right price might open up.

btw, detroit has a ton of really good rookies coming up, so they will be fine. Brendam smith, gustav nyquist, tatar, fillpula v. 2.0, pulkinnen... their list is quite long, so while they may be shopping, they will do alot of internal replacement too, I am sure.


Dr. Pepper is the bomb
Nov 24, 2010
Bay Area
Hoopla Cash
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exactly! That's why patience is more important now than ever. As long as white comes back, there is no reason for panic. The UFA market is slim so prices will be really high. Someone is likely to make a mistake this summer that costs them for a long time (ahem... NYR... Ahem... Redden...). Dougie can afford to wait it out, make lots of offers, and if nothing comes this summer, then we will all get to see what braun brings to the table. Then midyear, the right deal, for the right price might open up.

btw, detroit has a ton of really good rookies coming up, so they will be fine. Brendam smith, gustav nyquist, tatar, fillpula v. 2.0, pulkinnen... their list is quite long, so while they may be shopping, they will do alot of internal replacement too, I am sure.

I understand what you are saying, but Doug might not be able to wait for another year. He wants this next year to be the year.


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Oct 27, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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I understand what you are saying, but Doug might not be able to wait for another year. He wants this next year to be the year.

no no, I wasnt recommending his being patient until next summer. I was meaning that he can be patient until december or january if nothing is available this summer. I just mean that with white, they should be an elite team already, which means that its highly unlikely that they will need that defenseman until the PO's (rather than now just to ensure a PO spot).

I was pointing out that throughout the course of the year, teams surpise both positively and negatively and that creates trade possibilities. No one, absolutely no one, espected the devils to be among the few worst teams in the league, but they were and that made langenbrunner, rolston, and a several others suddenly available. Same goes for colorado as many expected them to contend last year after making the PO's the year before with such a young roster. They fell off and that made guys like anderson available. This year, who knows who will be the big disappointment, but someone will be, and that team's roster will be ripe for the picking. And, if its a team with high expectations that stumbles early, then that GM may get desperate and that's when jumbo trades happen. Dougie can stock other teams and pounce at the right moment.


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Oct 27, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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Note: one other addendum to the above comment is that people can also surprise for the sharks. What if Braun steps up and dominates? what if one of the younger guys pulls off a couture and earns a spot in the top 6 or 9 by surprise? What if seto gets resigned then gets off to a rediculously fast start and his stock shoots through the roof? Trade values and players developments could quickly change current perceptions and open up trades that might otherwise have been impossible.

Remember 2or 3 years ago when pickles started the year in the top 10 in scoring (along with boyle, blake, and ehrhoff)? What if dougie had looked to trade him then? Might have landed a pretty big package. Now? his value is obviously much less. You just never know...


Dr. Pepper is the bomb
Nov 24, 2010
Bay Area
Hoopla Cash
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Oh ok, I understand. But I like the Sharks to have their roster set before the season starts


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Oct 27, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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Oh ok, I understand. But I like the Sharks to have their roster set before the season starts

me too if possible. its far better to be all set so everyone can be used to playing with one another and go through the battles of the season together. If the opportunity is there, I really hope dougie jumps on it. If it's not though, I surely dont want him throwing 6M at pitkanen or trading cooch to land that dman. The acquisition of white midyear was an outstanding move and he, wellwood and eager, all pretty much fit seemlessly into the roster, so if it turns out that the right move doesnt become available until the all-star break, then so be it.


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Oct 27, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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also though, there are a lot of rookies this year making pro debuts (in the A) and 2nd year guys too. The roster on day 1 is highly unlikely to be the same on day 200, and its not easily predictable who will make the leap. the sharks have a half dozen or more guys who could make their NHL debuts this year. Hopefully we get lucky and one or two stick and take a prominent role. Injuries will happen and the young guys will get their chance.

How cool would it be if a rookie comes out of nowhere and scores 30 goals or dominated on D! :-) Grabner was waived and thrown away by 2 teams and then went on to score over 30 goals on a crappy team. Tyler Myers was a 19 year old who was certianly not expected to contend for any rookie of the year award (that was clearly tavares' prior to the season). Who saw brad marchand (1 pt, -3 in 20 games the year before) coming?

Maybe the sharks have the next unheralded rookie standout...