UK Cowboy
Happy Father's Day T-Roy
The pass on first and goal from the one is the type of thing that will get a good coach fired if that shit happened in a playoff game. InexplicableWhat the hell was that play call on 1st and goal from the half yard line. There is no excuse for that ever. Ever. QB sneak 4 damn times or ram it up the middle. It's a half a yard. To make that play call or any call with the potential to lose yards on first down there is just asinine. On 4th or possibly 3rd (I wouldn't even on 3rd) it's at least arguable. It's just hard to get passed the dumb things this team does sometimes. The fact that they scored any way is meaningless. There are coaches that make their teams more likely to win with their in-game decisions and there are our coaches. MM is just not a cerebral coach. I also hate those throws into the back corner of the end zone when the receiver is running away from the QB. So hard to complete even though it's a pattern that often times the WR is able to get open.
No issue with going for it on 4th down this week when we did. Was the smart move. I thought most of the play calling was pretty good in general.
My other issue was really nit-picky and probably impossible to implement in that situation: On the 3rd and 2 (I Think) on the last drive the worst case scenario is a first down that isn't a TD. You need to sell out completely to make the stop and basically let them score if you don't. Since it happened so fast Miami wouldn't really have had time to tell their offense to fall down at the one although it's possible they might have any way. The problem is you can't really call that play in from the sideline unless you have practiced it and have a name for it to call in and have everyone know exactly what to do. But, if you are able to and you run blitz your entire OL and have the rest of the team moving towards the line at the snap you probably either stop them or give up a TD which gives us the ball back. A FG from there is probably 90% so you have to assume it's going to be made. The Hill conversion earlier on the drive hurt also. If Lewis gets through clean he probably makes the stop.
Big picture this wasn't a bad game overall IMO. The Clark penalty killed us and this undisciplined team just continues to have stupid penalties that kill us every week. The fumble at the goal line was huge and the bad call on the Micah Roughing hurt. But overall we were in a 50/50 game with one of the good teams in the league on the road again and to me that a shows the ability to win those games in the playoffs if they arise and we will need to beat teams on the road in the playoffs as the #5 seed. So, back to big picture, I'm certainly not calling yesterday a positive, but it really isn't a bad loss and if we win our last two I think we will be in position to make some playoff noise. I'm more worried how we will do on the road in a cold weather setting. I think in Miami type weather we are fine.