Indian Chief
Wil Wheaton @wilw
You'll always have Snooki and The Situation. RT @almightykhale: @wilw im a very sad devils fan, say something nice to cheer me up please
Whil Wheaton should shut his trap.
Love, Jean-Luc Picard
Wil Wheaton @wilw
You'll always have Snooki and The Situation. RT @almightykhale: @wilw im a very sad devils fan, say something nice to cheer me up please
It's "LOL @ hockey", you ignorant son of a bitch.
Who is wil wheaton?
Wesley Crusher on Star Trek: TNG. Dash told me
Who is wil wheaton?
Friggin obnoxious little pissant - No way Kirk allows him on the bridge of his ship.
His mother on the other hand.......
Friggin obnoxious little pissant - No way Kirk allows him on the bridge of his ship.
It's "LOL @ hockey", you ignorant son of a bitch.
It's all good, he's a redneck college football lover. Probably sitting on a cob of corn as he typed that.