Well-Known Member
15K vcash is about a years worth of in-state Vtuition for SP's Vkids
so on march 19 2019 of this thread @Vitamike agrees to a payout and @Sportsguy9695 says he is in....
entry fee is 5k ill set up the payment for you in the bet exchange....Many thanks for the invite. I'll join for sure.
I never said I was responsible for paying people out for the above pick em. I did payout people for the one I ranso on march 19 2019 of this thread @Vitamike agrees to a payout and @Sportsguy9695 says he is in....
one day later sportsguy starts his own pick em and usurps everyones payout...
Tournament Thread - March madness 2019 pick em
Well you're in charge now so no backing out.I never said I was responsible for paying people out for the above pick em. I did payout people for the one I ran
@Sportsguy9695 ....this is where I tell you I told you socoronavirus is going to be this year it!!
I’m sorry with the confusion with last year. But I’m pretty sure everyone got paid. Me @Vitamike all took care of it a little after the Tournament. Me and mike have a good formula down for paying the winners out for the nba and nhl pick em I currently run. I promise there won’t be any trouble like there was last year getting people paid.