I want to torture John McCain for unleashing Sarah fucking Palin on the world.He's also said that he likes soldiers who didn't get captured when referring to a well known POW.
I want to torture John McCain for unleashing Sarah fucking Palin on the world.
Donald picking a fight with the parents of a dead soldier was far more fucked up.
I had always felt he got Karl Rove'd out of the presidency in 2000.I actually had a moderate amount of respect for McCain until he found Caribou Barbie.
I just realized how hard it would be to rank the things Trump has done in order of fucked-upedness.
HAHAHAHA Fuck those people!Speaking of things that are effed up - Can the people of Flint, Michigan get some help?
Flint is facing a Shigellosis outbreak - CNN.com
i envy american voters choices
he was prob watching the rebroadcast of the Titans/Texans game on the nfl network
Joe should have sprinkled in "Balderdash" here and there...