Good morning!
Tyler, what the fuck did you drink last night?
My bar tab tells me 12 shots of vodka, 3 whiskey tumblers and I also know we had some dirt cheap beer. I should know, it's never a good idea to mix me with vodka...
Hi and good morning. And don't say "Twas."
Twas and Shall. Who do you think you are!? Charles Dickens?
Hi and good morning. And don't say "Twas."
Twas and Shall. Who do you think you are!? Charles Dickens?
I use 'tis, 'twas and shall a lot. As well as bangin' and wicked.
'tis and 'twas are going to be wicked tough to use in one sentence, but it would be bangin'.
Chris... Do you have mind control?
Damn jagoffs using 'tis and 'twas, yinz need to redd up your language, n'at.
Or, your language needs reddin' up.