ND 14 UM 45
Judging by his avatar pic, I see Jeff has once again changed his mind and had a sex-change operation?? Where does he get the money???
Starbucks VIA
the lazy mans way to morning awesomeness
I'm hooked on these things... too easy and surprisingly good.
My french press and grinder are very sad, lonely, jealous and feel neglected.
Love summer, I hate it's fleeting last days, but hockey is around the corner. Also, ArtPrize is gearing up so I'm looking forward to several weeks of weird sights around town.
Thinking about hitting the Sox/Yanks game on the way back home tonight... Just not too cool with the idea of going to a game solo, lol. Friggin sucks being a fan of teams in the Northeast... so god damn expensive,
standing room only seats were going for $99. I'll catch it on the tube