Bossman you'll be missed
I guess I am just fucked in the head.
LOL, well, I don't know if I would say that. You just have different tastes is all...
I guess I am just fucked in the head.
LOL, well, I don't know if I would say that. You just have different tastes is all...
I never saw Saw and havent really wanted to see Saw but maybe if I ever see Saw on cable I might watch it so I cans see what a lot of others see in Saw.
According to Higgy...if you've seen Saw once, you've seen 'em saw.
In case you guys would like to watch this movie here is the link.
Watch Martyrs (2008) Online Free Movie - Download full Martyrs (2008) Megavideo Stream
The chick in this movie is pretty hot... Not while in the movie though, she is always covered in blood.
Mylène Jampanoï - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cool, Martyrs is on my Netfliz queue. I have a friend who is really into foreign horror movies and he recommended this one to me.
Ughh she is hideous. So hideous I am going to peruse the web looking for more of here right now.
I never saw Saw and havent really wanted to see Saw but maybe if I ever see Saw on cable I might watch it so I cans see what a lot of others see in Saw.