my hatred for MY team clouds my judgement
I have to give a lot of credit to my math text books for making me as woke as I am. Leading edge stuff.Where's dead Fred to rail about our society becoming 1984? He'd have a case here.
I have to give a lot of credit to my math text books for making me as woke as I am. Leading edge stuff.Where's dead Fred to rail about our society becoming 1984? He'd have a case here.
I have to give a lot of credit to my math text books for making me as woke as I am. Leading edge stuff.
If everyone is happy is that a bad thing?
Oh @forty_three good luck with this one.
We're gonna party like it's 1959!
It was an attempt to standardize education standards and methods on a federal level. In addition, there was a push to spread out funding so all schools could teach with the same materials and resources. This, of course, upset the republicans because it didn't do enough to punish people who so carelessly were born poor and black. So they made a big fuss about "states' rights". Which sounds familiar, but we're not allowed to teach about that anymore.what is common core?
It was an attempt to standardize education standards and methods on a federal level. In addition, there was a push to spread out funding so all schools could teach with the same materials and resources. This, of course, upset the republicans because it didn't do enough to punish people who so carelessly were born poor and black. So they made a big fuss about "states' rights". Which sounds familiar, but we're not allowed to teach about that anymore.
Naturally, when Repugs got in power, they gutted it and basically made it lowest common denominator core. Dumbing it down to fit the worst school districts instead of pushing it to bring the lower districts up and individual school districts fought to stop using it. They destroyed it then claimed it was a bad idea. Kinda like they do with everything. "Government doesn't work. Elect me so I can ensure it stays that way" kind of thing.
But it didn't have anything to do with the fact that common core history was unkind to certain people. No. Not at all. You get that thought out of your pretty little head.
And they can't stay in power without cheating.they the lowest form of life
I'd rather wear boxers than tan my testicles, but that's just me...