my hatred for MY team clouds my judgement
Someone needs to get reinforced windows that don’t open. And a food taster may be warranted.
All those Freedumb convoy folks that praise Putin....good luck with your antics in Russia.
All those Freedumb convoy folks that praise Putin....good luck with your antics in Russia.
Can you imagine two douchebags with body odour and bad facial hair just lounging in a hot tub outside the Kremlin while flying a sign that says " Fuck Putin"?
Me neither.
If they are lucky.Are those people being taken away for re-education?
Range of emotions on this one.
Range of emotions on this one.
Fox might actually acknowledge the horrors of war.
Who am I kidding? Hannity will call it a false flag and Carlson will blame Biden for sending him.
This is a very confusing PTA meeting.
Reason 1,000,000,000 why old white men out of touch with technology should not govern......
Oh no.