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Clueless Jerry

UK Cowboy

Happy Father's Day T-Roy
Aug 9, 2013
Longview, Texas
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Jerry was reportedly on the phone with Shazier's agent when Shazier was picked by the Steelers. The Cowboys then ''scrambled to try and trade back before settling on Martin, their 2nd highest player left after Manziel''. Nice plan. :L


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I think the only difference between what Dallas did there and what every other team does is we were stupid enough to talk about it afterwards. If you don't have the top pick you don't know who will fall. We had Martin high enough to pick, but since he wasn't a defensive player we looked to see what we could get in a trade. We didn't get our socks knocked off, so we didn't go into panic mode and get raped in a trade...we simply made the smart pick. Great move and exactly what we should have done. Why we didn't stick with that methodology and why we DID go into panic mode in the 2nd round was the problem. I think Jerry had too much time to think about the trade in the second and talked himself into the fact that he couldn't do without the player.


Jul 17, 2013
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Jerry was reportedly on the phone with Shazier's agent when Shazier was picked by the Steelers. The Cowboys then ''scrambled to try and trade back before settling on Martin, their 2nd highest player left after Manziel''. Nice plan. :L

You posted in a diff thread about why not take manziel if he's #1 on our board... Well, simply because you don't ALWAYS go BPA. This was the case. We have Romo for several more years. No way out of that. We can win games with Romo. You have to find the inbetween of that and BPA which we came with Martin. He helps keep Romo safe, he probably was rated high on the Cowboys board, and he will be in his prime after Romo is gone.

1st pick should be the least questioned pick we've made.


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Last year, our 1st was also a questioned pick. If not for the TE in the second round, it would have remained the most questioned.


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Aug 14, 2013
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Last year, our 1st was also a questioned pick. If not for the TE in the second round, it would have remained the most questioned.

It's always something with the 2nd round picks with Jerry. He's either picking the wrong player or making poor judgement calls.

UK Cowboy

Happy Father's Day T-Roy
Aug 9, 2013
Longview, Texas
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You posted in a diff thread about why not take manziel if he's #1 on our board... Well, simply because you don't ALWAYS go BPA. This was the case. We have Romo for several more years. No way out of that. We can win games with Romo. You have to find the inbetween of that and BPA which we came with Martin. He helps keep Romo safe, he probably was rated high on the Cowboys board, and he will be in his prime after Romo is gone.

1st pick should be the least questioned pick we've made.

Learn to read dude. I never said I wanted Manziel. I said if the Cowboys had no intention of picking him, he shouldn't have been in their top 16. If the earliest they were going to take him was the 3rd round, then he should be 75. Otherwise, your big board is total bullshit

UK Cowboy

Happy Father's Day T-Roy
Aug 9, 2013
Longview, Texas
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Can I ask why this makes Jerry clueless?

He's on the phone telling the kid he's about to be a Cowboy. Shazier even talked about being happy they didn't send out the tweet about being a Cowboy. He's clueless because instead of yucking it up with Shazier, he could have already been on the damn phone working on trade down scenario's just in case instead of being blindsided when the Steelers took his guy. What the fuck good does it do to spend 5 minutes on the phone with Shazier? If the Steelers don't pick him, he's ours whether we call him or not


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
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He's on the phone telling the kid he's about to be a Cowboy. Shazier even talked about being happy they didn't send out the tweet about being a Cowboy. He's clueless because instead of yucking it up with Shazier, he could have already been on the damn phone working on trade down scenario's just in case instead of being blindsided when the Steelers took his guy. What the fuck good does it do to spend 5 minutes on the phone with Shazier? If the Steelers don't pick him, he's ours whether we call him or not

Do you really think this is the first time a GM called a player to tell him he's going to be their pick only to have the team ahead of them sweep in and take him. If you think about it Pittsburgh used up their whole time limit meaning they have not called Shazier until their backs were against the wall. Jerry has made many goofs but calling a player to tell him he's about to get drafted is not one of them. Besides how do you know if Steven wasn't on another phone talking with other teams.

UK Cowboy

Happy Father's Day T-Roy
Aug 9, 2013
Longview, Texas
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Do you really think this is the first time a GM called a player to tell him he's going to be their pick only to have the team ahead of them sweep in and take him. If you think about it Pittsburgh used up their whole time limit meaning they have not called Shazier until their backs were against the wall. Jerry has made many goofs but calling a player to tell him he's about to get drafted is not one of them. Besides how do you know if Steven wasn't on another phone talking with other teams.

I'm only going by what the DMN said this morning. Read it for yourself. ''Scrambling'' to trade back before ''settling'' on Martin. Quotes


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
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I'm only going by what the DMN said this morning. Read it for yourself. ''Scrambling'' to trade back before ''settling'' on Martin. Quotes

It doesn't matter if he called Shazier when STL was on the cl9ck and spent 15 minutes talking to him. They have more than one phone and Steven often works on trades. Facts are if Pittsburgh it sounds like any trade Dallas may have work would have been pulled off the table and Shazier would be a Cowboy. It really sounds like Shazier was Pittsburghs PlanB or C. Personally I think he would have been a reach at 16 especially for Dallas.

If nothing else this story should be a wake up call for Carter.


We Dem Boyz!
Jul 7, 2013
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Can I ask why this makes Jerry clueless?

We all can see who the "clueless" one is in this thread, and obviously "naive" to everything football :L



I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
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We all can see who the "clueless" one is in this thread, and obviously "naive" to everything football :L


I'm simply trying to point out not everything bad here is Jerry. I'm just happy you took Jerry's dick out of your mouth long enough to post another useless troll remark. Now get back to servicing Jerry and let the big boys talk.


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Jul 15, 2013
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A little deeper research would reveal that Jerry was on the phone with the Agent representing Shazier not the player himself.

Just saying


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Aug 19, 2013
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I'm only going by what the DMN said this morning. Read it for yourself. ''Scrambling'' to trade back before ''settling'' on Martin. Quotes

We were scrambling because time is short, not because of anything we did that was inept (that would come the next day). We were ready to take Shazier and had Martin as a backup so a trade wasn't necessary. Then right before we go on the clock Shazier gets taken so we need to decide between Martin and trade. We were happy with Martin, but preferred defense. So you write down Martin's name on a card and work the phones until the very last second to see if someone gives you a great offer. If that offer doesn't come then you take Martin. I think they played it perfectly and I think the term "scrambling" is misleading and what is being taken out of context.

UK Cowboy

Happy Father's Day T-Roy
Aug 9, 2013
Longview, Texas
Hoopla Cash
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We were scrambling because time is short, not because of anything we did that was inept (that would come the next day). We were ready to take Shazier and had Martin as a backup so a trade wasn't necessary. Then right before we go on the clock Shazier gets taken so we need to decide between Martin and trade. We were happy with Martin, but preferred defense. So you write down Martin's name on a card and work the phones until the very last second to see if someone gives you a great offer. If that offer doesn't come then you take Martin. I think they played it perfectly and I think the term "scrambling" is misleading and what is being taken out of context.

What you're saying would seem plausible except for three things. 1) Jerry's history in the draft and 2) The fact that we made a panic move the next day and got fleeced in yet another trade and 3) We took Anthony Hitchens in the 4th freaking round
I think the Cowboys thought Shazier was theirs because he is lighter than their traditional 3-4 backers, and we were thrown for a loop when they took him. I think a lot of that valuable time was spent talking about Manziel, since he was the top guy on their board.


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Aug 19, 2013
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Wo knows, but my guess is no time was spent on Manziel at all in that room. They knew coming into the draft what they would do if he were there and I bet they decided well in advance that they wouldn't be taking him if Martin were still there and maybe not at all. I'll guess that if Martin were gone they still wouldn't have taken Manziel. They probably would have taken Lawrence or someone else there. We were in a positon to get fleeced on a trade if we weren't ready to take a player. Instead, we looked at the offers and took the player. I'll take that way of thinking every time.


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Jul 17, 2013
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I just assumed Martin was the last of our remaining value picks and that there was not enough bait out there to swing a good deal to offset taking Martin. With that said, Martin better be every bit as advertised and then some. I thought all along Miami might want to make the move up for Martin, never seriously thought Shazier would be gone. I wonder what Miami would have given us in a trade to move down 3 spots. It could have set us up with two 3rds, just enough to get a top safety, Lawrence plus our 3rd we were missing which could have pulled a guard like Trai Turner.


Goodell is a polesmoker
Aug 3, 2013
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Jerrah is clueless. In this draft we could have had ealy and nix instead of lawrence. There is a good reason the cowboys have no depth. Look no further than the trade for Roy Williams, the trade up for Mo bust Claiborne and this years draft. Williams and claiborne cost us 3 high picks and lawrence cost us one. I would have rather had those picks