Quit checking me out.
So...yeah. 6 or 8 playoff teams would be great for big man college football. That's all I want...a little increase. I mention that and some people just lose their minds. When you look at the number of teams in other playoffs/tournaments it's not a big deal. Also, take a look at the other divisions of college football. If they've expanded why in the hell wouldn't the big boys expand? Not to 24 or 32, but no more than 8 would be reasonable.
NCAA football:
FCS--4 (1978), 8 (1981), 12 (1982), 16 (1986), 20 (2010), 24 (2013)
D-II--8 (1973), 16 (1988), 24 (2004), 28 (2016)
D-III--4 (1973), 8 (1975), 16 (1985), 28 (1999), 32 (2005)
Other NCAA sports:
Basketball (M)-68
Basketball (W)-64
Beach volleyball-8
Field hockey-18
Ice hockey (M)-16
Ice hockey (W)-8
Lacrosse (M)-16
Lacrosse (W)-28
Soccer (M)-48
Soccer (W)-64
Volleyball (M)-6
Volleyball (W)-64
Water polo (M)-4
Water polo (W)-10
(M) = Men; (W) = Women
Not a single one of those sports is anywhere near as physical a game as football.