Above Average Member
Hey fuckface, I'd been giving CBS over $500 in league fees for over a decade. Carried over from the old sportsline days. And seeing as I'm just one of THOUSANDS of people who both paid and posted on that once quality site, it might not have been a solid business decision to just dump their message board without warning. Say hello to your mother for me.
I agree with you - physically.
I was talking more along the line of mental toughness and the ability to stand your ground and not be automatically afraid of new ideas. I think that left in the 50's and 60's. Approached with new and different views seems the response is to hide (run to Big Brother? mommie?) Words and thoughts can't hurt you. Examine them, study them...but sticking your head in the sand or running away?????????
I learned this in a movie from 30 years ago, War Games.
"Sometimes the only winning move is to not play the game"
Very much enjoyed that movie, and truer words were never spoken.
Very much enjoyed that movie, and truer words were never spoken.
Kind of suits Iffys got a new follower......a Troll from Cleveland.....could he be an evil twin of bereal......