Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy bacon
Aerial photo of the town of Slave Lake:
I wonder if Paul Dorodooshbag realizes how many British Columbians have worked in the Fort Mac area over the last 20 years or so.
People will remember the chateau lacombe.
Two years ago I was involved in a multi-disciplinary study on the benefits and impacts of the tar sands, not just in Alberta but across Canada. The indirect economic impact that the Oil Sands region had on other provinces was significant, with one province's numbers suggesting that almost 20% of their economy was in some way related to the Oil Sands developments. BC was not quite that high, and I don't remember the exact numbers, but it was hefty (I wasn't involved in the economics portion of the study).
Theres no doubt the oil sands have a huge economic impact for the better on surrounding provinces and their citizens ... but .. when you change your outlook to include the long term ? Ill stop there because I dont eat ALL the granola
/my buddy thinks his house is toast ... he worked in the oil patch as an electrician for 5 years until he was laid off in November ... because of the downturn in the market he couldnt sell the house and take the loss so he held it and rented ... feel so bad!
I'm with you buddy. I'm not in love with the Oil Sands. We've fucked up a lot in that area (both economically and environmentally) and I'm just not a fan of how we handled the whole thing as Canadians. That being said they were/are a strong driver of the Canadian economy. People who have enjoyed Canadian prosperity need to tone down their distaste for the Oil Sands at a time like this.
There is a much better time for these arguments.
The focus right now should be on the people losing their homes. Most of them aren't the decision makers who are responsible for the wrongs (real or perceived) of the oil industry, but just a bunch of tradesmen working to feed their families.
Christ, when I first scrolled down, I thought that was a picture of dead bodies the firefighters had pulled out of a house.
Black spruce lives matterOh and still no reported deaths!! Well done folks!!
Oh and still no reported deaths!! Well done folks!!
Black spruce lives matter