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Can I do an OT: Sonics, Balmer?


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When I first saw Ballmer was buying the Clippers, I thought for sure he would move them to Seattle, but everything I've read lately makes it sound like that ain't gonna happen. But who knows? Maybe he's just trying to say all the right things now, but when the moment's right, he'll move the team to Seattle.


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Jul 3, 2013
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I think there is no chance of the Clippers moving to Seattle.
It just doesn't make business sense, and Ballmer has said as much. Even if that was his plan, I don't think there is any way the other owners would vote for moving a team OUT of LA.

I think him buying the Clippers for so much money means two things:

- He didn't care quite as much about bringing basketball back to Seattle as some of us thought (I do think he wanted to do it, just being an NBA owner was a lot more important to him than that aspect).​

-There isn't much hope on the near-horizon of a team coming back to Seattle.​

If he was getting into the investment at a $ value that made sense fiscally (meaning at an amount that if he sold the team in 3 years he would make a profit, or at least break even), I could see it being a way of killing two birds with one stone for him: Owning a team and getting into the club where he has real influence on getting a team moved to Seattle.

But buying the team for $2 Billion, it doesn't seem like there would be any way for him not to take a huge loss if he sold his interests in the Clippers when a legitimate opportunity to own a team in Seattle came-up.

Unfortunate to say, but I think it will be a very long time before an NBA team returns, if ever :(

Steve is a HUGE Sonics fan.... A buddy of mine used to play b-ball with him at the pro club in Bellevue... His passion is to bring the NBA back to Seattle.... No question that is what's on his mind... Everything else is smoke screens and strategy.


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Jul 16, 2013
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Who cares about that garbage league. The stars play where they want (to the point where they're colluding with each other to end up to the same place), the officiating is crooked, and the only reason that most of the teams are still around is because they're on corporate welfare. I'm sure attendance would be great at first, but when it turns into the same load of crap with the refs taking the team out of the playoffs because they figure a bigger market team is better for ratings then people will turn away just like they did before. I'll take the NHL any day of the week over that crap. Even if the team sucks it's still a great show.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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Balmer buying the Clippers is a setback for our cities effort for sure. There is now only a little over 3 years left on the MOU for the arena deal and it is looking like a long shot that anything can be done before that to bring a team in and have that MOU executed.

It's still too early to know how much of a set back it is. Hansen and his people haven't really come out and given us any feel for their direction. They will have to find another whale to pony up some backing and bring some more clout to their group.

I see very little chance Balmer intends on moving that team. We all know he has wanted to be an NBA owner for most of his life and now had the free time to devote to it. Had the Seattle deal looked like even a remote possibility to him I'm sure he doesn't take this deal. Clearly he didn't feel there was any reasonable chance of something happening in the next couple of years.

I'm happy for him. He has worked hard to get to where he is and should be able to enjoy his retirement years doing what he loves. It's really not his fault the NBA has been sticking in our asses for the last 8 years or so.

Having him on the ownership committee will certainly help when the time does come. We know we will have a friendly voice in the room fighting for us. You know, a voice to put Bennett back in his place.


LOL at 42-13, 29-3, 19-3
Nov 20, 2012
Seattle, WA
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We're just going to have to be patient. The NBA has a new commish and it's going to take a lot to undo the damage Stern did for decades.

Seattle will get the Sonics playing in this city again someday.


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Jul 3, 2013
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Balmer buying the Clippers is a setback for our cities effort for sure. There is now only a little over 3 years left on the MOU for the arena deal and it is looking like a long shot that anything can be done before that to bring a team in and have that MOU executed.

It's still too early to know how much of a set back it is. Hansen and his people haven't really come out and given us any feel for their direction. They will have to find another whale to pony up some backing and bring some more clout to their group.

I see very little chance Balmer intends on moving that team. We all know he has wanted to be an NBA owner for most of his life and now had the free time to devote to it. Had the Seattle deal looked like even a remote possibility to him I'm sure he doesn't take this deal. Clearly he didn't feel there was any reasonable chance of something happening in the next couple of years.

I'm happy for him. He has worked hard to get to where he is and should be able to enjoy his retirement years doing what he loves. It's really not his fault the NBA has been sticking in our asses for the last 8 years or so.

Having him on the ownership committee will certainly help when the time does come. We know we will have a friendly voice in the room fighting for us. You know, a voice to put Bennett back in his place.

Clay Bennett had every intention on keeping the Sonics in Seattle when he made the purchase... UH HUH sure he did... It's all part of the strategy...


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Apr 21, 2013
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If it was a team that wasn't in a top 5 market (much less the #2 market) in the league, I'd have been more optimistic about that team moving to Seattle, but since it was the Clippers, there's no chance of it happening. Yes, they have to share an arena with the Lakers when they'd have one all to themselves here, but unlike the NFL, the NBA isn't going to let a team leave L.A. unless its owners wanted to go to New York or Chicago.

He paid a pretty hefty price regardless of market size, but with future TV deals, advertising revenues and a sustained period of success for the Clippers while he's majority owner, and with sale prices for teams continuing to go up, I see no reason why he couldn't make his money back and then some if and when he eventually decides to sell the team. Hell, just look at what Sterling paid to get the Clippers 30+ years ago and how much he's going to get out of this deal to sell them, and he was by all accounts the worst owner in the league. If I'm Ballmer, I'm not worried about making my money back if and when I sell the team a few decades from now.

The biggest downer is that there doesn't appear to be another team available for purchase on the horizon. The Clippers were really the last big chance for basketball in Seattle with an established roster of players. Any team we get now, unless something weird like this Sterling situation happens again, will probably have to come through expansion and even if Commissioner Silver was open to the idea, it's still probably a ways off.


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Jul 3, 2013
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If it was a team that wasn't in a top 5 market (much less the #2 market) in the league, I'd have been more optimistic about that team moving to Seattle, but since it was the Clippers, there's no chance of it happening. Yes, they have to share an arena with the Lakers when they'd have one all to themselves here, but unlike the NFL, the NBA isn't going to let a team leave L.A. unless its owners wanted to go to New York or Chicago.

He paid a pretty hefty price regardless of market size, but with future TV deals, advertising revenues and a sustained period of success for the Clippers while he's majority owner, and with sale prices for teams continuing to go up, I see no reason why he couldn't make his money back and then some if and when he eventually decides to sell the team. Hell, just look at what Sterling paid to get the Clippers 30+ years ago and how much he's going to get out of this deal to sell them, and he was by all accounts the worst owner in the league. If I'm Ballmer, I'm not worried about making my money back if and when I sell the team a few decades from now.

The biggest downer is that there doesn't appear to be another team available for purchase on the horizon. The Clippers were really the last big chance for basketball in Seattle with an established roster of players. Any team we get now, unless something weird like this Sterling situation happens again, will probably have to come through expansion and even if Commissioner Silver was open to the idea, it's still probably a ways off.

Steve just wants his hooks in ... I can almost guarantee you he's gonna try to move um up here... Getting a team was a priority for him and it looks like that's happening ... I fully expect in the next couple years he tries something... I"m calling it out now...


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Clay Bennett had every intention on keeping the Sonics in Seattle when he made the purchase... UH HUH sure he did... It's all part of the strategy...

The Sonics were a team in trouble when he took it over. Bad lease in a bad facility and no support from the local politicians and little grassroots support from the public in general. Those were the foundations that help facilitate that move.

The Clippers may share a city, but has a substantial fan base. More so now that they are actually better than the Lakers. There is almost no chance the NBA allows that team to leave that market even if they still have a footprint in it with the Lakers.

Balmer has wanted to be a part of a basketball team for many years. He simply couldn't do that and still run Micro$oft.

Anyone who is hanging their hopes on the Clippers coming to Seattle are setting themselves up for another fall. It's a distant long shot at best and wouldn't likely happen for at least 10 years. It's just not going to happen folks.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2013
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Steve just wants his hooks in ... I can almost guarantee you he's gonna try to move um up here... Getting a team was a priority for him and it looks like that's happening ... I fully expect in the next couple years he tries something... I"m calling it out now...

Well he can try if he wants, but I'm just saying that there's little chance that the other owners would approve the relocation of a team from L.A. to pretty much anywhere except New York or Chicago when that team has an arena (albeit a shared arena) to play in and, from the looks of it, a very good team for the foreseeable future. I want the Sonics back, but it ain't gonna be at the expense of the Clippers.

What I think Ballmer can and will do to help usher in a new era of Sonics basketball, once he becomes part of the fraternity of owners, is to help convince the other owners that putting a team back in Seattle is in their best interest. I also think that the other owners would be less interested in what he had to say about that if one of the first things he does after getting the Clippers is attempt to move them out of L.A..


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
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Well he can try if he wants, but I'm just saying that there's little chance that the other owners would approve the relocation of a team from L.A. to pretty much anywhere except New York or Chicago when that team has an arena (albeit a shared arena) to play in and, from the looks of it, a very good team for the foreseeable future. I want the Sonics back, but it ain't gonna be at the expense of the Clippers.

What I think Ballmer can and will do to help usher in a new era of Sonics basketball, once he becomes part of the fraternity of owners, is to help convince the other owners that putting a team back in Seattle is in their best interest. I also think that the other owners would be less interested in what he had to say about that if one of the first things he does after getting the Clippers is attempt to move them out of L.A..

Yeah but look at OKC's market compared to ours... We do need the stadium situated but I"m sure he has a plan behind the scenes to get that done... I know there will be hoops to clear so I understand your point ... BUT I think he's gonna try at some point...


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Jul 3, 2013
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The Sonics were a team in trouble when he took it over. Bad lease in a bad facility and no support from the local politicians and little grassroots support from the public in general. Those were the foundations that help facilitate that move.

The Clippers may share a city, but has a substantial fan base. More so now that they are actually better than the Lakers. There is almost no chance the NBA allows that team to leave that market even if they still have a footprint in it with the Lakers.

Balmer has wanted to be a part of a basketball team for many years. He simply couldn't do that and still run Micro$oft.

Anyone who is hanging their hopes on the Clippers coming to Seattle are setting themselves up for another fall. It's a distant long shot at best and wouldn't likely happen for at least 10 years. It's just not going to happen folks.

I agree the lease was horrible for the Sonics at the time... All I'm saying is Steve is gonna try... Mark it down...


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Worst case scenario, Hansen has someone else in the league who has his back.

I still fully expect a team to be here before the MOU is up.


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Apr 23, 2013
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We won't know the true status of Ballmer and the Clips untill the board votes in favor of building the new NBA/NHL arena. I just have this gut feeling once the new arean gets the green light Ballmer moves the Clips.


LOL at 42-13, 29-3, 19-3
Nov 20, 2012
Seattle, WA
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From an article I read going over the dollar amounts, I'm now not so sure this was a longterm plan to get the Clips moved to Seattle.

I think the amount was so extreme because of the fact the Clips already play at a modern facility like Staples, and the tv deal is coming up for them soon. From what I'm reading, the NBA treated this as a very rare situation, but they are clear that Ballmer will not be allowed to move the team anytime soon.

It was also interesting to read about how Hansen and Ballmer recently tried to buy the Bucks for 650 million, but Herb Kohl turned them down even though they offered 100 million over the other highest bidder because he didn't want to see the team moved. If the deal had gone through, the added move fees the NBA would of charged them would of made the transaction around 800 million and they were willing to spend that much.


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Apr 21, 2013
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I believe there is a specific stipulation in the purchase agreement prohibiting Ballmer from moving the Clippers for at least a while, if at all. For now, I'm going to pretend as if that stipulation doesn't exist and present the following:

I've been listening to Friday's B.S. Report and Simmons had Ramona Shelburne on part 2 of the podcast. She said that the Clippers still have 9 years left on their lease with Staples Center. Assuming that's accurate (and I have no reason to doubt that it is), that means that Ballmer has a few options if he ever wants to move the Clippers up here:

His first option is to ride out the remaining years of that lease and wait to move the team until it has expired. That option would put us, at minimum, 9 more years away from getting a team, moving them up here and renaming the Sonics.

His second option is to buyout the remaining years of that lease now, move the team up here and have them play at Key Arena for a couple years while a new arena is being built. We'd have the team back a lot sooner in this scenario and Ballmer would have the opportunity to negotiate a new temporary lease at Key Arena that would be more favorable to him than the last lease was to Schultz.

His third option would be to keep the Clippers in L.A. long enough for the new arena to be built here and then buyout the remainder of the lease and move the team at that point rather than spend any time playing at Key Arena.

All of these options, if there isn't something written into the purchase agreement about keeping the team where it is, would still need the approval of the league and the other 29 owners which, depending on their thoughts on moving a team out of L.A. to a medium-sized market, he may not get. If it was as simple as Ballmer announcing the team's relocation after the sale is approved, I have no doubt that he'd do it, but since it's more complicated than that, I just don't see it happening.

Like I said, what will probably (hopefully) end up happening is that Ballmer will keep the Clippers where they are and instead try to convince 28 other owners (I don't think he'd have to convince Paul Allen) that the NBA needs to come back to Seattle as soon as possible. I don't think he'd have the votes to just up and move the Clippers any time soon, if at all.


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Apr 20, 2013
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From an article I read going over the dollar amounts, I'm now not so sure this was a longterm plan to get the Clips moved to Seattle.

I think the amount was so extreme because of the fact the Clips already play at a modern facility like Staples, and the tv deal is coming up for them soon. From what I'm reading, the NBA treated this as a very rare situation, but they are clear that Ballmer will not be allowed to move the team anytime soon.

It was also interesting to read about how Hansen and Ballmer recently tried to buy the Bucks for 650 million, but Herb Kohl turned them down even though they offered 100 million over the other highest bidder because he didn't want to see the team moved. If the deal had gone through, the added move fees the NBA would of charged them would of made the transaction around 800 million and they were willing to spend that much.

Yup 800 million plus whatever they have to spend on the arena to get it going. I think it ends up around a billion anyway. So in a nushell whether its relocation or expansion I think it will end up being around a billion no matter the circumstance. I guess the question is can Hanson and the Nordstrom group pull that off by themselves or do they need to add another person. Seems like that is the next step along with Hanson getting the EIS finished.


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May 5, 2013
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but what everyone has failed to mention is that there is a relocation committee and there has to be a vote in that committee on wether they want to move the team and guess who is in charge of that committee CLAY BENNETT that was really the only reason why they didnt move the kings to seattle because the committee said no on the relocation. Mainly because they felt that sacramento put together an arena plan last second which is bullshit because even to this day they are still having problems getting that deal done in sacramento.

with how much money the league is making with the clippers I dont see them moving anywhere. I still dont see why the league would want the bucks if there was ever a waste of money/time it would be that franchise ballmer should have coughed up 1 billion for that team and try and move them
Jul 4, 2013
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My gut says that we get an expansion team within the next few years. I'm keeping my expectations low, but I think that it might happen.


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Apr 25, 2013
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Am I the only one with zero interest in watching the NBA? Even if we did get a team, I won't watch.