Rarest Member
I like Black Crown and usually grab a 6pk of it at the corner for $8.15.
You should have gotten more Sam Adams.
4.2% ? Common man
That's strong stuff for you Okies, isn't it
It tastes better than normal bud products and 1000x better than platinum. I think it tastes ok, its still a get drunk kinda beer.
Platinum has pretty much became my beer of choice. As far as regular ol beer goes anyway.
It costs a little more but the extra alcohol is worth it.
I usually get Black Crown though. They're both the same price and have 6% alcohol but I think it tastes better.
Alcohol is an incredibly potent substance.
Alcohol per dollar value is an important consideration but don't sacrifice taste!
The stuff that's a fraction of a percentage point less alcohol but tastes better is the way to go every time.
Try this beer.