so its official then
it was terrorism, not an "angry drug dealer"
this shit in london is being called a terror might be "2 angry muslim dudes who had a paper route"
we would all line up to cut their nuts off if we weren't gonna be arrested for it.
Parnell gave up 3 in the 9th
Crabtree torn his Achilles tendon! YYYYYESSSSSS!!!! Fuck the 49ers! Who wants to go celebrate on the 49ers board?
Crabtree torn his Achilles tendon! YYYYYESSSSSS!!!! Fuck the 49ers! Who wants to go celebrate on the 49ers board?
the fertilizer explosion was a terrorist act
more people were killed and it was more malicious than a simple bomb
6.59...trending towards awful
Republican states are not allowed to have terrorist attacks. Therefore, the Texas governor was forced to rule it an 'accident'.
Oklahoma, also a Republican State, has been advised not to request FEMA money. Republican states are also not allowed to receive Federal Aid for natural disasters. The media has since moved on to the heroic rescue of of a beloved family cat of a prestigious gay couple in upper Manhattan.
So after promising this "list"...down has provided 7 teams...3 of which didn't draft any better than the yankees did...
so, uh...yeah...I was right again
can we throw this on top of "bottom third offense", "napoli, victorino, and dumpster >> beckett, crawford, and Agonz", and "robertson isn't one of the best setup men in baseball"? Amongst plenty of others of course
Okay, the meat-clever-killers in London are beyond fucked-up.
That's why the Muslim Nation will never lose a war unless they're Nagasaki'd. Death means nothing to them. Those two fucks waited around for the cops to come kill them.
69 Virgins, baby.