Well-Known Member
You would think that with a name like Brian 8ball, rock would be bending over backwards to become friendly with him.
Brian8ball might be your good friend gothampoker.
You would think that with a name like Brian 8ball, rock would be bending over backwards to become friendly with him.
Were you not here last night when i said the blue jays are horrible.
He's seen 7 championships for the Yankees, therefore he has to be in his late 30's or early 40's and he's preaching "our 27 rings". Fucking dip shit.
Wow another internet tough guy calling me names.The fact is that NY OWNS BOSTON.And you and Rockhead should get out more
You endorse every single Rock and Snoogins statement by triolling me all day
I've never once had a sports related conversation with you, never once
you must not be a yankees or rangers fan then
my apologies for confusing you for a fan
I'd be careful dismissing David Price just yet
Price/Cobb/Moore and I'd bet Hellicksin can't be worse
I'm not a Red Sox fan fuck face. "our 27 rings"
"internet tough guy"
"get out more like I do, I have sex with beautiful woman constantly, while you guys are here "27"hours a day. Unlike you guys I have a life like right now"
Don't know what that means
Why don't you tell me the series Boston has beaten New York, post 1975 let's say
They CAN'T.Since 1995 the Yankees have won 5 Times and the NY GIANTS Beat Cindy Twice.
Time to go to the beach and run a few miles so I do not turn out like those of you who live in here.It amazes me that so many of you guys actually spend more time in here than with your fmily.IT IS SAD.It is the same people from CBS.I will say this again there is more to life.As far as 8BALL besides having a great buisness,wife,kids and Season tickets to the Yankees,Giants and Rangers.I also am a very good pool player.So have a nice day. And remember it is easy to insult people when you can hide behind a computer.
You talk about how the Jays will get better
But the Rays Starting Rotation wont?
You endorse every single Rock and Snoogins statement by triolling me all day
I've never once had a sports related conversation with you, never once
Great pool player