Kate Upton
Hotter than Kate Upton
two fishy fishys
You're assuming Down is smart enough to troll.
That would be an unwise assumption
two fishy fishys
i dont want dirt to unfriend me on facebook, twitter and "The Slap", so.......
i dont think Mo is dirty at all, I think he's one of the few that probably never even considered it......and there aren't many of them
but damn.........thats one way to kill an hour
The slap...
I miss Victorious...far more than my girls do.
why the hell did it get canceled ? That was quality
and that Big Time Rush show.........awful, even my kids hate it now
Maybe Braun just took something from GNC.
then your pathetic fucking franchise hasn't won a title since 78? or was it 81?
List the "PROVEN" cheaters from the late 90's dynasty, and I'll tell you if they were as responsible as manny and Ortiz
The Proven list, not the Rock and Down list
Maybe Braun just took something from GNC.
List the "PROVEN" cheaters from the late 90's dynasty, and I'll tell you if they were as responsible as manny and Ortiz
The Proven list, not the Rock and Down list
Roger Clemens
Let's recap the board, shall we?
1) Rock apparently has sex with dead rats
2) Sportschic turned coats on the sCrUBS
3) The Pa Kettle of the board wants to give out funny lessons
4) Dirt is sensitive in re: Mo
5) Worrld = handsome
6) No horrendous "Bill Russell" topic
7) Indie = deader than punk
8) Down may or may not be winning
Maybe Braun just took something from GNC.
Good one
Roger Clemens
a littany of signed checks to biogenesis isnt GNC ox