I just gotta figure out who Smart is....
Where's my fucking cup...
Huskers for 9-4!!!!!
Men, as kickoff is merely a few days away, there are some important things we need to take care of......please sit down. In front of you you'll notice there are some cups.....each with your own name on them. Grab your cup please.
Here I have a giant pitcher of a substance that was invented in a garage in Hastings, Nebraska.
Brasky, let me see your cup. Sir, you are about 1/4 of a cup low on kool-aid.....I'm filling you up. Please, drink. Get your mind right. Huskerz fer Champz.
RA, let me see your cup. RA, you are completely empty.....you must be dying of thirst, my son. I am replenishing your stock for it is important that we all get on the same page. Please, drink. Get your mind right. Huskerz fer Champz.
irule, let me see your cup. MMMMMkrayyyyyyyy.........actually, why don't you just hold onto that.......you are already overflowing and you just stained all of our shoes....and the look on your face suggests you may have an erection, so that is quite frightening..... Anyways, Huskerz fer Champz.
chuck, let me see your cup. Here's a little kool-aid for ye. And chuck, that lamp you're eyeballing.....that's my lamp, and it's bolted down. Just know that.......just. know. that....... Also, Huskerz fer Champz.
Smart, take a drink. Tastes like piss, doesn't it? That's because I pissed in your cup. You can leave now, that's the only reason I brought you here. Huskerz fer Champz.
Jed, let me see your cup. Jed, like RA you are completely empty......how one can make it through the day in such conditions is beyond me. I'm filling you up. (10 seconds later)......Jed, your cup is not filling up....what seems to be the problem? Oh, you cut the bottom of it off....real cute. Sir, I did not ask you to make a flesh light out of your cup, I asked you to have a drink. Put the bottom of the cup in your mouth.....I'm force feeding you....annnnnd pouring....now..... There....that's better. HUSKERZ FER FUCKING CHAMPZ!
Now take the shot glasses I have in front of you and drink....fill up again and drink.........again and drink........again and drink.........again and drink...........again and drink............and finally swallow the ambien I have placed in font of each of you.
You 6 men are now better men after this meeting. You now see things how they actually are. The Huskerz actually are the Champz.
Repeat that with me......The Huskerz actually are the Champz!
The next 6 men I choose leading up until kickoff will be just as lucky. Until then, enjoy being in the right mind fellas.
nobody takes you serious anymore
how aboooout me thar sir ??
I was wondering why I was invited into this thread. I really should have seen that one coming.
Where's my fucking cup...
Huskers for 9-4!!!!!