need Nuketown 24/7 back. not some fucked up chaos moshpit shit
The only reason for lag is you are getting in games with people that have bad internet connections.
The first (and easiest) thing you can do is go into "find match" and hit square or X to bring up search preferences and it will give you the option of "any", "some", or "best" connection types. Select "best".
Next thing you need to do is use the port forwarding tutorial I posted above. It seems complicated but it's actually quite simple. Takes about 8 minutes to do. One match takes longer than that.
You have zero excuse to complain about lag if you don't set up a port forward for your console w/ a static IP address.
I have had a solid 4 bar ever since I did it. You'll be getting into matches with people who have a LOT better internet connections.
I will have to play the game for at least a month before I make a real judgement on it.
I think that TDM is a shitty game mode in this one. Domination and demo play a lot better.
One thing I really hate is there are head glitches (shit to hide behind and shoot) galore.
I will say if you like sniping you will have a good time. Sniping/quick scoping is really easy in this game.
All that said, I'm having a really hard time right now. I can't get high kill streaks at all.
Some people say it's because at this point the game is filled with good players because they generally buy the game as soon as it comes out.
I think it's because of the issues I talked about. Hit detection, lag comp etc.
Also with all these noobs that don't know the maps, you have a lot of people camping in corners.
The good news is, even if you have ghost in this game, you will show up on radar if you don't keep moving. Sorry HRUF, no camping in a corner laying prone with ghost and cold blooded with a silenced sniper and a modded controller buddy.
I don't think I'm gonna get this game. Ever since I started playing Battlefield, it ruined CoD for me, it's so much better in my opinion.
I guess it's because I prefer the big, open maps.
Have they added fighter jets to Cod yet?
I don't think I'm gonna get this game. Ever since I started playing Battlefield, it ruined CoD for me, it's so much better in my opinion.
I guess it's because I prefer the big, open maps.
Have they added fighter jets to Cod yet?
Didn't use the "port forwarding" advice you gave because I'm lazy, but I did use your "find best match" advice and that worked out really well. Thanks Brasky.
Only reason I actually did it is because I was raging after my 3rd laggy match in a row and was completely fed up.