Yeah this is a lame attempt to get ratings off of the bigfoot craze. these rednecks from florida cant speak a sentence without saying motherfucker. And this other hillbilly shot and killed 2 "ofem"
Think the Bigfoots are on a "dipshit human hunt", these people better watch out. Bigfoot will catch the dart, run over and stick it in one of their azzes, then laugh like the one on the beef jerky commercials.
I had to tune in out of curiosity. Man.... This is the dumbest shit I have ever seen. I am looking into filing a law suit to be compensated for that hour of my life that I will never get back. What a train wreck. Someone should be fired for this.
At one point in the show, the resident DNA "scientist" stated, "If I said something like that I would be the laughing stock of my profession."
I thought, "Dude, you have a mohawk and are on a reality TV show about Bigfoot. You already are the laughing stock of your profession."