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Advanced A Clearwater


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Jul 3, 2013
Northern California formerly from Bucks County
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OMG, just checking on the lower levels of the phillies farm system and noticed that clearwater was dead last with a 12-48 record!! Not a lot to look forward to for the near future. Remember the $48 million cuban defector that became the $12 million man? The guy that was going to be our #3 or #4 this year. He is pitching at this level.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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More of the same WestCoast. The disease in the FO and the ownership that permits it to continue is systemic. The two new draft picks offer some hope but by and large our farm system is relatively devoid of talent unlike say an Oakland for example. We are inundated with hopefuls (as I mentioned on another thread) and our likelihood as a contender is seriously in jeopardy for the foreseeable future.


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Aug 26, 2013
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The Phillies like high risk player types with the hopes of getting bargains. The recent draft allowed us to get some players who have a better chance of moving up the ladder. But it will cost them more in bonus money signings.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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That approach is totally hypocritical by Amaro, Northeast when he routinely throws around gobs of cash at aging vets whose best years are behind them and then screws up the farm system by finding high risk players with the HOPES of finding bargains. What sort of BS is that? That sort of twisted logic has got this franchise in the shitter and I don't see it being remedied until they get rid of this irrational logic baseball or otherwise.


Hanging Pork
Jun 22, 2010
Danielsville Pa
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That approach is totally hypocritical by Amaro, Northeast when he routinely throws around gobs of cash at aging vets whose best years are behind them and then screws up the farm system by finding high risk players with the HOPES of finding bargains. What sort of BS is that? That sort of twisted logic has got this franchise in the shitter and I don't see it being remedied until they get rid of this irrational logic baseball or otherwise.

Kinda like signing Bowker in '11 to go 0-13 to end the season instead of bringing up Brandon Moss who is tearing the cover off the ball since his departure from the Phils to the A's! Or the raping of the farm system to sign a rental in Pence who they had no intentions to ever sign long term and in the process leaving the farm barren.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
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That approach is totally hypocritical by Amaro, Northeast when he routinely throws around gobs of cash at aging vets whose best years are behind them and then screws up the farm system by finding high risk players with the HOPES of finding bargains. What sort of BS is that? That sort of twisted logic has got this franchise in the shitter and I don't see it being remedied until they get rid of this irrational logic baseball or otherwise.

I don't understand your point. Northeast just said that they took two guys who had a better chance of moving up the ladder. How is that a negative? Yeah, Amaro has done plenty of dumb things but when they do something good you have to acknowledge it, otherwise you may as well be one of those right or left wing people in the politics forums with a completely closed mind

Omar 382

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Jul 17, 2013
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I don't understand your point. Northeast just said that they took two guys who had a better chance of moving up the ladder. How is that a negative? Yeah, Amaro has done plenty of dumb things but when they do something good you have to acknowledge it, otherwise you may as well be one of those right or left wing people in the politics forums with a completely closed mind

Agreed. Well, I mean it's totally OK if you're 100% left wing, but if you're one of those right wing, money-worshipping, evil Republican fucks than you should just kill yourself.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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Cedrique, you obviously don't read much because I did mention on another thread that the two draft picks were in the right direction if Amaro doesn't screw them up but you either didn't see the post or you have a lot calcium in that brain of yours.

Number one. I am not sure what you are blathering about but this thread nor my response has little to do with right or left in politics. That would be over in the Politics Forum. My response has been addressing a definite problem we have in our farm system and that is about baseball.

Since you raised the issue, it is however obvious you are 100% leftwing because all that tolerance left wingers preach about is definitely on display in your response. What a load of shit and I am somewhat disappointed in that you found it necessary to post the response you did.

Omar 382

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Jul 17, 2013
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Cedrique, you obviously don't read much because I did mention on another thread that the two draft picks were in the right direction if Amaro doesn't screw them up but you either didn't see the post or you have a lot calcium in that brain of yours.

Number one. I am not sure what you are blathering about but this thread nor my response has little to do with right or left in politics. That would be over in the Politics Forum. My response has been addressing a definite problem we have in our farm system and that is about baseball.

Since you raised the issue, it is however obvious you are 100% leftwing because all that tolerance left wingers preach about is definitely on display in your response. What a load of shit and I am somewhat disappointed in that you found it necessary to post the response you did.

I was being sarcastic. I am certainly not 100% left wing. I was being hypocritical by agreeing with his post about being tolerant of others' political views, and then being a 100% intolerant.

Omar 382

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Jul 17, 2013
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With my posts, go in with the mindset that it's all sarcasm/bullshit until l prove you otherwise, not vice versa.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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Gotcha Number One. I wasn't sure. I thought: "That doesn't sound like Number One". My mistake. I must remember to get further into the wake cycle before I get on SportsHoopla. Onward we go.