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A&M flips Otaro Alaka from Texas


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This is the same question I ask Aggy fans everytime they crow about being 4th in their division in the SEC and tell me how golden their future looks.

NOTHING has changed. They didn't really compete in the B12, and they aren't competing in the SEC. They brag about recruiting classes they are getting BECAUSE of the SEC, and don't seem to grasp that they could have been doing that IN the B12. They've sucked for all these years purely because they weren't willing to do what it takes to win outside of cheating, and that's THEIR FAULT.

I've never seen a bigger fanbase of whining crybabies ever. Its always somebody else's fault that they can't win a division or conference. Aggy has always held Aggy back.

Right there, SO FUCKING TRUE! :nod::clap:

Lance Armstrong

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Its sad that aTm left, then these recruiting wars would really matter. Even if UT loses studs to aTm, its ok since they don't have to play them. As long as OU is still struggling in recruiting, UT can wait while Strong builds what he wants.


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it's tough to lose one, no doubt. But if horns fans are realistic, know this recruiting class is all about salvaging what you can, maybe picking up a few here or there. Next year's football season will be won or lost on the guys already there. I think that's when all will see if inspired coaching, a new look at things, will have an effect on the outcome of the 2014 season.

I do think Strong's way of doing things is going to be popular with Texas high school coaches, and will be positive. Article says how the first thing he asked the HS coach there was, what was he having problems with? The coach said defending the diamond formation, so Strong drew up schemes on the blackboard for him to use.

The cult of personality that Mack had with high school coaches was great, but players still were going to go where they wanted to go.

And parents. You walk into a house and set a "contract" down in front of a player and his parents and tell them "this is what you will sign and what you will abide by in my program" and it is going to impress a lot of parents.


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Its sad that aTm left, then these recruiting wars would really matter. Even if UT loses studs to aTm, its ok since they don't have to play them. As long as OU is still struggling in recruiting, UT can wait while Strong builds what he wants.

THIS as well. People act like it really matters. What kills me is this thought process that the state isn't big enough for BOTH schools to recruit well. Like there are only 10 kids coming out the state next year worth signing, LOL


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Apr 16, 2013
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It DOES matter. Especially for some of these other programs in the state. tu usually gets first pick and we have to fight over what's left.

SEC helps but Sumlin has more to do with the recruiting success. Every time there is a coaching change you are going to lose recruits. We might have snagged a couple of studs from the sips regardless of who their new coach is. But it is fun to rustle big bro's jimmies a little.

And I disagree that A&M could have had this kind of success in the B12. My, how quickly some of the really good programs went away after the B12 formed...and then there were just two. RC could recruit his arse off, Fran had a couple of good classes as did Sherman but none have come anywhere close to what Sumlin is doing down there. Sumlin has an edge called "Go to the B12, play a bunch of scrubs, be a third stringer until your junior year and have a couple of games on LHN where you won't be seen OR come to the SEC, get some serious playing time as a Freshman, and play against the best on National TV almost every week."


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Jun 27, 2013
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It DOES matter. Especially for some of these other programs in the state. tu usually gets first pick and we have to fight over what's left.

SEC helps but Sumlin has more to do with the recruiting success. Every time there is a coaching change you are going to lose recruits. We might have snagged a couple of studs from the sips regardless of who their new coach is. But it is fun to rustle big bro's jimmies a little.

And I disagree that A&M could have had this kind of success in the B12. My, how quickly some of the really good programs went away after the B12 formed...and then there were just two. RC could recruit his arse off, Fran had a couple of good classes as did Sherman but none have come anywhere close to what Sumlin is doing down there. Sumlin has an edge called "Go to the B12, play a bunch of scrubs, be a third stringer until your junior year and have a couple of games on LHN where you won't be seen OR come to the SEC, get some serious playing time as a Freshman, and play against the best on National TV almost every week."

Ironically, a Texas fan thinks more of your program than you do. Slocum used to beat the hell out of Texas on the recruiting trail. OU and Texas have been down the last few yrs, so the opportunity to beat them in recruiting has never been better. For your sake, you better hope you are wrong. If the only thing A&M offers is the SEC, eventually they will just be MSU or Ole Miss. Top programs do not sell their friends, they sell themselves. There is a reason why Ohio STate, USC, and FSU continue to kick ass despite the perceived value of the conference they play in. A&M better lose the crutch and learn how to walk on its own 2 feet.


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It DOES matter. Especially for some of these other programs in the state. tu usually gets first pick and we have to fight over what's left.

SEC helps but Sumlin has more to do with the recruiting success. Every time there is a coaching change you are going to lose recruits. We might have snagged a couple of studs from the sips regardless of who their new coach is. But it is fun to rustle big bro's jimmies a little.

And I disagree that A&M could have had this kind of success in the B12. My, how quickly some of the really good programs went away after the B12 formed...and then there were just two. RC could recruit his arse off, Fran had a couple of good classes as did Sherman but none have come anywhere close to what Sumlin is doing down there. Sumlin has an edge called "Go to the B12, play a bunch of scrubs, be a third stringer until your junior year and have a couple of games on LHN where you won't be seen OR come to the SEC, get some serious playing time as a Freshman, and play against the best on National TV almost every week."

Jeebus Chryst guy, stop teabagging Bama and AU's sack. :L


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May 18, 2013
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A&M fans don't get what Sumlin (and Briles to an extent) is selling over Oklahoma and Texas right now. It's pretty damn obvious, but they want to believe so badly that it is the SEC for some reason. This is really it...

1st round draft picks in the last 4 years after this draft (if goes as projected)

Texas A&M-6

A&M and Baylor are currently developing their talent at a better rate than our programs and they are seeing the benefits on the recruiting trail. A&M went from a top 25 recruiting program to a top 10. Baylor went from the dregs of recruiting to top 25. Oklahoma and Texas have both slipped. None of this is a coincidence and none of it has anything to do with selling a conference as the single most important factor. Sumlin is selling his program and the main reason you see so many aggy recruits mentioning the SEC as a factor is because you're gay ass recruiting "reporters" keeping asking them over and over again how important it is until they get their soundbite to give to the masses.


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Kevin Sumlin seems to be copying what his mentor Bob Stoops has been doing at Oklahoma.


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A&M fans don't get what Sumlin (and Briles to an extent) is selling over Oklahoma and Texas right now. It's pretty damn obvious, but they want to believe so badly that it is the SEC for some reason. This is really it...

1st round draft picks in the last 4 years after this draft (if goes as projected)

Texas A&M-6

A&M and Baylor are currently developing their talent at a better rate than our programs and they are seeing the benefits on the recruiting trail. A&M went from a top 25 recruiting program to a top 10. Baylor went from the dregs of recruiting to top 25. Oklahoma and Texas have both slipped. None of this is a coincidence and none of it has anything to do with selling a conference as the single most important factor. Sumlin is selling his program and the main reason you see so many aggy recruits mentioning the SEC as a factor is because you're gay ass recruiting "reporters" keeping asking them over and over again how important it is until they get their soundbite to give to the masses.

Ahhh, but those are Sherman's recruits that are going in the 1st round. Do these recruits know that? I'm eager to see what Sumlin will do with his own QB and recruits......


Guy Who Never Responds
Apr 17, 2013
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Texas will pick up a few Strong commits who wanted to play for Coach Strong.
Texas will lose a few Brown commits who wanted to play for Coach Brown.

Stunning newsflash.
As if a new coaching regime has never happened before.

Anything that happens in recruiting at this point is somewhat irrelevant for a guy on the job less than 1 month and missing the entire recruiting period in state.

Strong will be judged on his 2014 and 2015 classes.


mfw reading SportsHoopla
Dec 21, 2009
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It's just the beginning boys today it's a single recruit tomorrow they turn over the keys of Austin to you! One day the Mack Brown era will be considered the golden age of Texas football it's all down hill from here.

Welp I guess this guy is right. It's the end of Texas football. Mine as well not even play on Saturdays anymore.


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Ahhh, but those are Sherman's recruits that are going in the 1st round. Do these recruits know that? I'm eager to see what Sumlin will do with his own QB and recruits......

Von Miller and Ryan Tannehill were recruited by Fran's staff not Sherman's. First round draft picks that Sherman recruited Luke Joekel, and then this year Jake Matthews, Johnny Manziel and possibly Mike Evans.


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Ahhh, but those are Sherman's recruits that are going in the 1st round. Do these recruits know that? I'm eager to see what Sumlin will do with his own QB and recruits......

You are correct, but that doesn't mean Sumlin isn't reaping the benefits. This is the bottom line, in the last 4 years that these kids were in high school, this is the record of the 3 programs we are competing with the most for recruits.

Oklahoma 43-10
Texas A&M 36-16
Baylor 36-16

Texas 30-21

Oklahoma regained some respect by beating Alabama so look for a return to top 10 recruiting soon for them. We have got to stop losing recruits to Baylor. It is embarrassing! They are putting more players in the draft and have a better record than us over the last 4 years when most of these kids started really paying attention to football. A&M is the same thing but it isn't embarrassing at least. Strong starts winning games and the recruits will return. It is all about winning.


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In perspective - even though Texas has had a small handful of bad years now, we are still #1 in the Big 12 in recruiting. That won't last forever unless we start winning however. The next 2 years are going to be huge for the future of Texas recruiting.


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In perspective - even though Texas has had a small handful of bad years now, we are still #1 in the Big 12 in recruiting. That won't last forever unless we start winning however. The next 2 years are going to be huge for the future of Texas recruiting.

True, I don't know if that is a good thing for the conference though. I'm not all gloom and doom though. Some of the recruiting hype goes along with just how popular is the program that signed you.

Texas Jefe

Come and take it
Jun 29, 2013
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Ironically, a Texas fan thinks more of your program than you do. Slocum used to beat the hell out of Texas on the recruiting trail. OU and Texas have been down the last few yrs, so the opportunity to beat them in recruiting has never been better. For your sake, you better hope you are wrong. If the only thing A&M offers is the SEC, eventually they will just be MSU or Ole Miss. Top programs do not sell their friends, they sell themselves. There is a reason why Ohio STate, USC, and FSU continue to kick ass despite the perceived value of the conference they play in. A&M better lose the crutch and learn how to walk on its own 2 feet.

I think this is one of the most revelatory remarks I've read on recruiting. :suds:

Wild Turkey

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May 21, 2013
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Welp I guess this guy is right. It's the end of Texas football. Mine as well not even play on Saturdays anymore.

No worries at least your state has Pro teams you will be fine.