Sarcastic F-wad
Bochy just passed Lasorda on the most wins among NL managers list. Haha!
He is #1 all time for NL West.
Bochy just passed Lasorda on the most wins among NL managers list. Haha!
This has been my feeling for about 6 weeks or so.
Further, any talk of the wildcard is a joke as well. The wild card is a booby prize. I will take it if it is all that is available, but I REFUSE to scoreboard watch for a wildcard spot at this point in the year.
You are just a non-believer.
You gotta have faith in these guys. They will not disappoint you.
The second wild card slot is an absolute sham. No reason for it; it forces a stupid one game "playoff;" it artificially creates playoff tension. The first WC is legit, the second one is a pure cash grab by the owners.
I am uninterested in the second WC.
I REALLY like the concept. It puts much more emphasis on the divisions, but the teams out of the division race still have a reason to play. I think that it is important to have as many teams alive late into the season as possible, but to still significantly reward the division winners, and this system does that.
The wildcard is a booby prize. Exactly what it should be.
Then why don't we go all NHL and have 8 teams make the playoffs? 5 WC!!
The second WC is the worst idea since the DH. I hate it.
Four teams in the playoffs out of 15 is just about right. Five teams is one too much and creates the need for that lame ass one game playoff.
Did you even read my post?
If we expend it to 5 WC teams, that removes the incentive to win the division. All 8 teams would just face off in another round. That is EXACTLY what I don't want. Having just 1 WC is OK, but I still do not like the idea of a WC team getting the same seat as a Div winner.
But a WC team wouldn't get the "same seat," it'd have to go on the road by definition. Of course, the #3 see division winner would too, but it'd still be set by record.
If you agree that a four team format is good then ok, but it seems you are not saying that.
If we are going to have a 2nd Wild Card, then there should be a 3 game Wild Card Series played in the park of the 1st Wild Card. Not just one game........162 games to get there and then 1 game to advance seems silly to me.
2 problems with this idea...
1) I WANT it to suck to get a WC spot. I like that any team with a shot is only looking at the division. I think it helps develop rivalries.
2) A 3-game series would take too much time. As we saw in the 2012 World Series, a team that sits is at a big disadvantage. Giving them a day or two is beneficial. Anything more than that lets rigamortis set in.
If we could go to 4 divisions and get rid of the WC, I would be happy. But that would still mean than more than half the teams are done by September 1, and that just doesn't make sense. And we have not even included the expansion and realignment headaches that would cause, but we have had that convo already.
BINGO!! All we need is to expand by two teams (San Antonio? Portland? Memphis? Charlotte?) and go to 8, four-team divisions. No WC. Our division would then exclude the Rox. SF/LAD/AZ/SD would be AWESOME.
It would eliminate teams before Sept. 1, but it would ALSO cause a number of teams to be sellers in July. Win/win as true contenders have options for the stretch run and pretenders get prospects.
Stat of the night: Rox record when trailing after 8 vs. Giants: 3-2. Vs rest of league: 0-67.
Baseball is weird.
In a video-game-world, I agree 100%.
Unfortunately, we live in the real-world, instead. Teams that are out of it do not sell tickets as well as teams that are in it. Therefore, you need to make sure that there is SOMETHING to play for for as many teams as possible for as long as possible, and the 2-WC format does this. Maybe not perfectly, but as well as possible, IMHO. I like the 2-WC system better than I like the 1-WC system, BTW...
Also, when you look at the specifics of expansion and realignment to 8, 4-team divisions, the logistics get VERY ugly. We have had extensive discussions about this in the past, so I will not rehash, but let's just say that creates just as many, if not more problems than the 2-WC system with 30 teams.