Well-Known Member
I don't want to re-open a painful discussion, but Pablo hit the catcher pretty hard. Luckily nobody was injured. I guess that's just baseball (and it wasn't even the go-ahead, winning run in a tied, extra-innings game).
I don't want to re-open a painful discussion, but Pablo hit the catcher pretty hard. Luckily nobody was injured. I guess that's just baseball (and it wasn't even the go-ahead, winning run in a tied, extra-innings game).
I didnt get a chance to watch the game. Was the catcher blocking the plate or was there a path to the plate?
The radio guys left an impression that the plate was completely blocked off
I didnt get a chance to watch the game. Was the catcher blocking the plate or was there a path to the plate?
The radio guys left an impression that the plate was completely blocked off
Giants Roll Astros - ESPN Video - ESPN
(Collision replay at end of highlights)
Looks like Panda went after the catcher pretty good, but not nearly as viciously or unnecessarily as Scott ####face did with Buster. It looked like the right side of the plate (from Panda's view) was left open for a hook slide. But if Panda went for the hook slide, the catcher had time to slide over and cut him off. So Panda made the proper play, and did it without looking like Jack Tatum or George Atkinson. Panda made the right choice, hard and clean.
That hit looks a hell of a lot like the one Cousins did. Both catchers were not blocking the plate while receiving the ball, but after fielding the ball moved to their left to tag the runner, and the runner changed direction and plowed into the catcher. Look where the catcher landed : almost on the first-base foul line. If Panda hadn't radically changed direction at the very end (like Cousins), the catcher would have landed behind home plate, and not almost on the foul line. A very similar play, IMO.
That hit looks a hell of a lot like the one Cousins did. Both catchers were not blocking the plate while receiving the ball, but after fielding the ball moved to their left to tag the runner, and the runner changed direction and plowed into the catcher. Look where the catcher landed : almost on the first-base foul line. If Panda hadn't radically changed direction at the very end (like Cousins), the catcher would have landed behind home plate, and not almost on the foul line. A very similar play, IMO.
I don't agree. IMO, the change of direction was not as severe, and the hit was not as hell-bent for destruction. Panda actually looks like he pulls up just a bit, not much, but just enough to keep it within the bounds of fairness.
That having been said, what I will agree with is that home-plate collisions have no place in baseball. It should not have to be a judgment call - the line should be nowhere near where anyone gets intentionally hurt.
From Grant at MCC today:
Home-plate collisions are still bullshit. The Giants scored an extra run because Pablo Sandoval knocked the ball away from Chris Snyder. Don't care. It's a fucked up part of a civilized, orderly, rational game. The game isn't about forcing a ball out of the hands of a defender. It's about 90 feet and a slow chopper, 400 feet and an outfielder drifting back. It's not about a fat dude barreling into a big dude and making boom.
Why is this a controversial opinion? Why are we the ones with our fists in the air? Makes no sense.
Still one of the best photoshops of all time.
That hit looks a hell of a lot like the one Cousins did. Both catchers were not blocking the plate while receiving the ball, but after fielding the ball moved to their left to tag the runner, and the runner changed direction and plowed into the catcher. Look where the catcher landed : almost on the first-base foul line. If Panda hadn't radically changed direction at the very end (like Cousins), the catcher would have landed behind home plate, and not almost on the foul line. A very similar play, IMO.