Vogey and the Giants Razzle - Dazzle the Braves 3-1
What does a General do? He leads and tonight in Atlanta General Vogelsong led the Giants team to a 3-1 victory. It was not pretty but when you battle it's never easy or pretty.
Vogelsong strode to the mound with his usual game face on. From the first pitch he was ready on this night. After a 7 pitch first inning it got tougher but Vogey responded. His defense was spectacular tonight behind him. Sandoval made a diving stop that started a DP that saved a inning. Team defense on this night would be the difference in the game. In the 3rd inning Vogelsong gave up his only ER on the night when B Upton doubled in a run from second . Vogey though never lost his cool all night which is his trademark. His six innings was not a masterpiece but a dog fight on the battlefield of baseball.
On offense it was a solo HR bazooka fest when Belt, Morse, and Posey all launched missiles into the night that landed in the bleachers. The bullpen was huge once again as Affeldt , Machi, and Romo who earned another save did their thing and made the bell ring. Special mention to Crawford who continues to shine at shortstop. His play in the 9th inning was a web gem and simply spectacular . He has been solid all year with the glove.
Confidence was high again and the boys continue to have fun. Lincecum in his Revenge of the Nerds uniform stole the comedy night. A big pot belly and glasses as he handed in the line up card to the umpires. He looked like a guy playing in a beer D league with that belly.
Giants go for a sweep in Atlanta Sunday behind the left arm of the Simple Man ...Mr. Bumgarner.
On this Saturday night it was the General who led the team and his dream story continues. He again answered his critics and did his thing....Win.
Go Giants !!
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Razzle - Dazzle at Graduation - Stripes (8/8) Movie Clip (1981) HD