I'm just here to troll everyone
Sounds like a deal. I will have to work in SF Giants Sports SportsHoopla references
That's really cool, man. Congrats!
Of course we're going to have to know your name to read your stuff...
Sounds like a deal. I will have to work in SF Giants Sports SportsHoopla references
Brandon Crawford is so money! I know Bochy likes to "reward" him by moving him up i the lineup, but I hope he just leaves the guy in the 8 hole all year. Huge two strike two out hit that changed the entire game. Love the glove and I know its only been 6-7 weeks, but guy continues to have some huge at bats.
Great effort by Cain to give 6+ after the 3 HR. Love the way the guys are hitting, but with no reinforcements ready to help the starting staf,f they are going to have to start gutting out some quality starts because the bats wont be able to always come back.
I saw that Fitzgerald got called up to Fresno after a solid start at Richmond, is he really our 6th starter right now? I know he's been in the system a while and I haven't looked up the stats but I remember seeing him in SJ a few years ago and he looked to me just all right, nothing overly impressive. Sabean made be forced to make a move if Vogey can't get it together. (NOT CLIFF LEE)
So I have gotten to know you guys well. Wanted to tell you some big news for me. I may soon become a Green Bay Packers writer for Yahoo Sports
If he can string together a couple of AAA starts with 2-3 total earned runs allowed and Voges continues to give up 5 or more each outing with the big club, we might see the kid grab a cup of Johan.
If he can string together a couple of AAA starts with 2-3 total earned runs allowed and Voges continues to give up 5 or more each outing with the big club, we might see the kid grab a cup of Johan.
Also, sucks for Vogey, but we owe him all of $300k after this season ($6.5 mill if we decide to renew).
Voges and Lincecum are only suffering lapses to save the front office some money.![]()
I think there is about a 75% chance Zeets will be back, 25% Timmeh is back and about 10% for Vogey.
Those seem fair. Timmy might waiver between 15 and 30% depending on his most recent outing, though.![]()