I like your beard.
I fucking loved every minute of it. The tailgating, the atmosphere in the village outside the stadium, the atmosphere in the stadium, the game itself, the drive up and back with 20K+ Caps' fans where every rest stop was filled with Caps' jerseys, the animosity between opposing fans (our 3 rows were nearly all Cap's fans, we had a little party going), the friendliness between opposing fans (2 seats next to me were Pens' fans, they were very nice), the "Flyers suck" chant, hanging out on New Year's in bars with Caps' gear and talking hockey with Pens and Caps fans alike, the fact that it ended up being a night game (much better IMO). Of course winning made it all the sweeter, but it wouldn't take away all those other amazing things if we'd lost.
The weather wasn't the best, but that's just a risk you take.
I can understand if the novelty has worn off for some for the TV event, and granted the hockey is not at the highest skill level with the weather conditions. But the intensity is there in spades and the live event is as good as a sporting event gets.
Well, yeah, live is gonna be a bit better than watching on TV. I'm thankful for it last year because I got to watch Mario play again...that was freaking awesome.