Well-Known Member
If you’ve never been to San Francisco get out there! A Broncos game is the perfect reason to visit, but the place is a good destination regardless. It’s stupid expensive though. The game itself should be pretty good. The 49ers definitely appear to be a team on the rise and I have a hard time believing this Broncos team is going to look as bad as they did last year. The Broncos never seem to stay down for lon stretches and still have what looks to be a very good defense. A little contribution from the offense and we may just have a team this year.
Go to SF!

I would make time to go to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. It was awesome. You can also get a booklet for around $90 that allow you to go do a lot of different activities by just giving them the stub out of the booklet. Fisherman's Wharf was really cool too.