Shit I might as well bet the rest!
I'm trying to decide how much real cash I'm gonna throw on yanks.
The only times my sports teams ever have success is when I lose money betting against them. It's gross.
Winning this would be well worth the damage!!
If I knew where I could throw some money down on the Yanks I would gladly lose it for a Twins win!
GO LYNX!Yeah I got a buddy to help me with that.
My desperation to see Minnesota sports success is becoming a sickness. I'll just throw away money for a win lol.
Already got my playoff tix too!! Need to put them to use
Such an angry little bastard!
The shitty pitcher you defend as if he's your child
I have?
Hopefully, Berrios can be even better, Gibson can pick up where he left off, and Santana can just be Santana. Hopefully, he's no higher than our 3rd starter.Wait 'til next year.