6 Time Poster of the Month
To be not only fair but accurate, sweaty britches Chuck could have picks 1 through 14 and still come in third place in a 16 team format
LOL... Ahh chuck. Soo many memories, so many tetanus shots.
To be not only fair but accurate, sweaty britches Chuck could have picks 1 through 14 and still come in third place in a 16 team format
@The Klaw
How many mocks have you completed?
Just so you're aware. In order to enhance and educate all of the noob scrub owners we've enacted a 15 mock rule threshold. It's in section 4, sub section B, paragraph 2 of the non-binding agreement you entered.
"Ye shall participate in no less than 15 mocks or surrender all yo 1st round pick(s) to the right honorable S-word man."
Fork 'em over home boi