The Derski
No Fat Chicks
Derrick Rose was at the game tonight.
I saw that and I was trying to figure out the connection. Apparently his girlfriend is a UofA alum.Derrick Rose was at the game tonight.
Sean Miller ALWAYS gets his players to play their best towards the end of the season!
And, we Play 3/5 remaining games at home! Let's win this!!! BEAR DOWN
I'm sure some of you have seen a lot more games this year than me. How far do you think this Cats team can go in the tournament? Last year I was confident they could win it all (not would...but had the ability). I'm not sure how much I'd be they make it to the Elite 8 this year. Matchups could be key.
The more people keep not disclosing details about Pitts the more it makes me want to know what's happening. This is the strangest thing I've seen in a long time. Like wtf
It seems like every time someone speculates academics it gets shot down, then people speculate legal issues and it gets shot down. I truly have no idea what it could be if it is not one of those two things.One of the harder cases to read between the lines. Sounds like it could be largely an academic issue, but who knows??
I've noticed that Trier is being ranked really low in nba draft rankings lately. It seemed like he was thought of as a one-and-done when he came in. Wasn't he?
Unless these draft prognosticators are way off - very possible - maybe we get a second year of Allonzo??