I'm from ESPN.
Hey man! So you probably noticed we pretty much compile all our game threads in here. Feel free to make more threads if you want. The Braves board is a lot more active than the Falcons and Hawks though.
Most of us post on the general board, and college football when the season starts
Hey man! So you probably noticed we pretty much compile all our game threads in here. Feel free to make more threads if you want. The Braves board is a lot more active than the Falcons and Hawks though.
Most of us post on the general board, and college football when the season starts
I too am a refuge from ESPN. Hope to get into the swing of things here
ESPN refuge also. Some of these name look familiar
I heard a complaint that the ESPN Brave guys didn't want to come here because it was only this thread. I made the Sox series thread to see if that helps and gets posts on it.
I too am a refuge from ESPN. Hope to get into the swing of things here
ESPN refuge also. Some of these name look familiar
Another former ESPN poster. Hiyas.
I'll check it out. We're so gonna suck this year.However, at least I don't have any expectations like last year.
Normally, I would be following the Braves this time of year, but I've seen it too many times in the last 17 yrs to even begin to get my hopes up. How many division titles have the Braves won only to choke in the LDS or LCS? We haven't been to a WS since 1999! Always near the top in pitching, but can't drive a run home with the bases loaded no outs in the postseason to save our lives! Hell, I'm might not even watch until we get to the WS (possibly). Maybe the luck will change. 2003 was certainly a year we should have won it all, not to mention 1996 and 1997!