Resident Libertarian
down, watch the 3 links i posted and get back to us before your head explodes.
I've seen it all...
It's bullshit...
down, watch the 3 links i posted and get back to us before your head explodes.
FEMA concentration camps - RationalWiki
Though exact claims about the purpose and nature of the camps vary from one crank to another, a common theme is that they will be used to detain dissenting US citizens after the consolidation of the North American Union in preparation for the establishment of a one-world government. The camps allegedly come complete with boxcars for moving people around and plastic coffins for burying them. (Why not just burn the corpses Nazi-style?)
FEMA, naturally, is the shadow government which will run the show after the puppet government dissolves through a series of executive orders issued by the President. The idea that FEMA could pull off such a masterstroke is surprisingly widespread, considering their massive display of incompetence during Hurricane Katrina.
There are several videos purporting to show footage of the camps, as well as shots of ominous-looking fences and webpages listing locations of over 800 camps, allegedly all fully guarded and staffed full-time despite being completely empty.[1][2] In addition to the implausibility of such a massive conspiracy being kept totally silent,[3] the evidence is damaged by the fact that the videos and pictures actually depict everything from National Guard training centers to Amtrak repair stations to North Korean labor camps.[4]
The FEMA camp conspiracy theory has been alluded to by Republican leadership candidate Michele Bachmann, though she did not say FEMA.[5] Glenn Beck, who to his credit later backpedaled and hosted a debunking segment featuring a government shill guest from Popular Mechanics, promoted the theory as well.[6] Still, the theory remains popular among the survivalist community and the militia movement, and there's no shortage of adherents on the Internet.
So far the only flaw in this otherwise brilliantly executed conspiracy was the mistake of publicly advertising jobs to work at the camps.[7] It's always the small details the conspirators slip up on.
The idea that the US government is planning to intern masses of people has some history: In the 1980s, opponents of Ronald Reagan's Central America policy on the left thought that FEMA was planning a mass roundup of them just before the imminent U.S. invasion of "Nee-ka-hah-gua." Barely skipping a beat, it became a theory on the right-wing black helicopter/militia circuit in the '90s, among Alex Jones followers and truthers in the 2000s, and today by the more insane opponents of the Obama administration.
rock, explain why it's a replication of a prison with a dam playground in it. explain why we can't ask questions about them.
key word "only" flaw in the 'conspiracy'. nobody occupies these camps (yet) that i know of. people built them because they got a fat check from the government.
and glenn beck is a complete moron.
since the patriot act, you could end up in one of these camps and nobody would know. it's just fuckin sad.
I've seen it all...
It's bullshit...
"my government is 100% innocent" ~down
barack obama on that last link explained that the FEMA concentration camps are designed to bypass the due process. he's a piece of shit just like george w.
and yet you still don't believe?![]()
said it 4 times now
"disease/pandemic outbreaks"...quarantine man, quarantine
govt has to spend its money somehow or they lose it. you know how i used to sell high capacity/custom shredders to the govt a couple of years ago? Had a high clearance position. The govt keeps buying and buying them...they stay shrinkwrapped under the whitehouse in ROWS...been there for years, untouched...and they keep buying. FEMA needed to spend its budget so they build internment/pandemic camps due to the age we live in of evolving disease/threats on a molecular level.
i'll field this
you know why theres no "due process?" because "due process" takes months...and if you have 2 million people infected with a communicable disease for which there is no cure (say bird flu or something of the like) the time it would take to process those people thru the system? it would cause it to spread in an unstoppable fashion.
that's what you believe.
they look like prisons to me and barack obama blatantly said they are there to bypass the due process.
when was the last time that happened? the black plague? how many millions/billions are dumped into a project that may not ever be used. sorry, can't buy that story.
i'd rather take that money and use it towards the 13+trillion dollar deficit.
later guys
rock, explain why it's a replication of a prison with a dam playground in it. explain why we can't ask questions about them.
key word "only" flaw in the 'conspiracy'. nobody occupies these camps (yet) that i know of. people built them because they got a fat check from the government.
and glenn beck is a complete moron.
since the patriot act, you could end up in one of these camps and nobody would know. it's just fuckin sad.
Explain why, when there is a huge on going controversy about the NSA spying on its own citizens, you've chosen to chase windmills. Why don't you work against the government abuses that have been verified first and save the domestic prison camps until you've crossed all the other ones off your list.
"My house is on fire, but I really need to get to the bottom of who broke that plate in the kitchen."