Mike Oxlodge
I'm better looking than U
Men rating football players according to their looks =
Well I am back.
Did you asshats finish your online KKK rally yet?
Yes, and I apologize for my race-related comments:
What is up butt phaggles?
Back at home after a Cali trip, is there a fanduel tonight?
Yes, and I apologize for my race-related comments:
Ohh fuck yeah!! We got Floff and JD back on the same day? Now give me some zigster and Iron and I am good......
youve made a lot of smart, handsome friends
and a lot of jealous bitter enemies
yeah im still hurt you called me a honky
you guys are always good for a good ribbing
I called you Yankees hall of famer Whitey Ford.
Whooo, suck it admins, that shit ^^^ is totally BASEBALL related!
zig hasnt been around....im willing to bet his right arm is wore the fuck out
Buccs, grabbed my Bro at airport last night from Key West. Hes all amped to open some dive bar out there, so I'll be out there in June for a weekend, maybe I can stop by for a reacharound
I appologize to goats everywhere.