#1 Ignored
did hammer hand out e-tissues to the people complaining?
I thought the tissues for when VP and Front Running Bitch Downs start licking his ass some more.
did hammer hand out e-tissues to the people complaining?
does sake count?he can just move the thread. its not like its titled "todays discussion on hate and knee grows"
shit, we have all the racial bases covered. someone here has to be asian
He had no problem joining right in with the marathon bombing discussion the other day. Which totally didn't cross ANY sort of lines at all.
Just saying.
that or he is figuring out a way to isolate us from infecting the rest of the population here
Shut up Carlton!!
White people wear them now...we steal all your shit
they were excited as hell to have us...we awrned them and the said hell no fellas you guys are great...It's weird. He hasn't asked us to post on any team pages since the SF Giants debacle from last week
Can't imagine why
me too im glad that avatar bridged the gap from cbsching chong potato
always gets me
they were excited as hell to have us...we awrned them and the said hell no fellas you guys are great...
i think they underestimated our stick to itevness
So how do you guys link those pictures?
He's getting pounded early, but settles in rather nicely...He's not been the guy that the team needs him to be with the bullpen struggling...
the Nationals failure to score runs recently isn't helping at all either...
did it?
Two questions:
Were they Black?
And how many steaks did you buy you cheap Jew prick since you were getting such a good deal on them?
Not all white kids go to elaborately expensive private schools...public education sucks....everywhere...