I like your beard.
Nevermind...Colorado looks on their way to a win and Ottawa's gone.
HOLY CRAP. My teams are winning! Woo! Except the Pens (intentional...that way if they lose, I still win!)
Take your happy party somewhere else...
P.S. Have you seen the new Harry Potter yet?
Midnight showing baby! I'm actually whooped right now...had an early morning and only got back around 3am. In my opinion, this was BY FARRRR the best movie yet. They stuck to the book pretty well (the best of all the films thus far) and the graphics/acting were pretty good. All together, I'm very pleased. Of course 5 minutes after seeing it I was picking it apart to see what they forgot/changed, and there was a decent amount (but only really 2 'big' things I noticed). The thing that annoys me is that in previous movies they've screwed the pooch by leaving stuff out (in this case the mirror from Sirius) and it hurts them later (this movie) because they HAVE to put it in even though those who only see the movies don't understand the context.
Exactly. I've had work the past two nights (and I get off at midnight, sigh), so I haven't gotten a chance to see it yet. I was pretty pissed they left the DA battle out of the last movie. I guess I understand their argument - there is a big battle at Hogwarts at the end of the 7th Book, so for those who haven't read the books (bah!), it may seem repetitive.
Agreed...the 6th movie was a crap fest (which peeved me off to the nth degree because that is one of my favs, behind only DH). I understand the anger with those who haven't read the books. I don't mind, I'm not forcing it on anyone...but I HATE when people go to the premiere who only see the movies (I went in a group of 5...only 2 of us had read the entire 7th...my roomie read up until the end of the movie because I told her where to stop). They kept asking questions and I, quite literally, yelled at them "READ THE FREAKING BOOKS! They're better anyway...". My one friend's excuse was "Well, if I see the movie before I read the book then I'm not as disappointed when they leave stuff out." She's just freaking lazy...They think I'm some psycho-elitist now...which is mostly true :P
It's such an easy series to read. You can blow through all seven books in a week. So damn good.
I have to ask, should I emotionally prepare myself for the Dobby scene?
Oh fuck. lol... I got shitfaced friday night and forgot to do this.