Good series by the wings. Good year by the wings.
I know what you mean the ceap shot on flip that limited the Wings to 2 lines was alomst clinical. As in the Hawks coach sent his hit man out. The Cheap shot made the Wings only have 2 lines to run all game and broke up the 3rd line which was killng the Hawks. well played. Maybe next time we will take Hossa out or someone else.After that call last night I was as deflated as I've ever been watching hockey. Bad Call but the Hawks overcame it. In the locker room in intermission Toews told the team "lets win it 3-1," Go Hawks! To all the Detroit fans on here it was a good series.
I know what you mean the ceap shot on flip that limited the Wings to 2 lines was alomst clinical. As in the Hawks coach sent his hit man out. The Cheap shot made the Wings only have 2 lines to run all game and broke up the 3rd line which was killng the Hawks. well played. Maybe next time we will take Hossa out or someone else.
That would be better with Morgan Freemons voice but funny.
it wasn't "ZOMG the refs are in the bag", it's "ZOMG the refs are fucking dipshits".
Hey, Eddie, the NHLOA should do some serious housecleaning for the best interest of the game; but, they won't do it. They haven't even an iota of interest in anything but themselves and their association being as close to self-rule as they can be, and to be as distant from criticism from the league as they can be - "we'll monitor ourselves philosophy" is left to be the way they like it. They might pay lip service at league meetings about the need to correct this or that, and to do these or those things differently, but they really have no intention to change anything because, for them, status quo is the best deal. Doesn't that seem to be similar to some personnel in a department of a corporation living an existence of making detrimental choices, which affecting the well-being of other departments, while having no one to answer to for any of those critical mistakes. Nice deal for them, if you'd ask me!